Saturday, December 17, 2005

Frank Eyes Council President Seat, District 3 Heats up and

Billboard Bob is disappointed

I don't know where to start after reading the above linked article as well as this one

I do find it rather ironic that now Bob is interested in what will happen to District 3, if he really was that concerned he would have stayed there rather than go for the At Large seat. Nor is it any surprise that he's engaging in some "make me happy or I'll vote for Frank" statements.

I am suprised that Frank would prefer McCloskey's campaign treasurer who is 70 years old as opposed to someone who is young, and would bring a fresh viewpoint into the Toledo Council which is badly needed. We have people like Taylor Balderas leaving this area, someone like her would be an excellent source of information on how to make the City attractive to those who will be the cities future rather than continue to support candidates that will only focus on the past. How do we encourage our children to stay here and be involved if we continually demean their desire to be involved? Sure Taylor's father is heavily involved in the Democratic Party, but that's no different than several of the current Council who have political family ties. If not Taylor then there are surely other candidates like Ernest Berry who actually ran for City Council. Especially since the May primary is not far away and the ability to be re-elected should be considered.

Monday on his blog Frank wrote:

The choice of several Democratic members, including me, is veteran councilwoman Wilma Brown. Experience, toughness, graciousness and, I belive, a willingness to work with the new administration and council make her the responsible choice. Others expressing interest are Sarantou, Ludeman, and Sobczak. Fine candidates.

Just days ago as the second article states, it appeared Wilma Brown had the necessary votes for Council President. Mark Sobczak no matter if he is A or B Team shouldn't be Council President, I agree with George Sarantou and Rob Ludeman, Council President should be someone who has had previous City Council experience.

I like Frank, I've never made a secret of that fact, however Council President should be someone who can work closely with the Mayor.Frank alludes to that ability being desired for a Council President his own blog statement as quoted above. I'm not sure if given his past comments and feelings about Carty that Frank as City Council President would be a positive step. I see it fraught with the potentional for alot of un-necessary squabbles. Toledo needs leadership not more A Team and B Team tit for tat type behavior. George Sarantou would be an excellent choice in the ability to work with the Mayor category, however since he is a Republican, I can understand the concern of letting the minority party have that much control over the agenda and focus of Toledo City Council.

"It's going to be an interesting first night, and more than a couple of ballots to get things organized," Mr. Ludeman predicted.

Now that I agree with, as well as pondering why the Law Director made a ruling that there had to be a majority winner for the Council President usual? The Toledo Blade article raises more questions than answers.


historymike said...

Strange turn of events, wasn't it Lisa?

I think that Frank has the ability to forge consensus, but he might be seen as too new to get the votes.

I am betting that McCloskey's support for Frank is directly tied to Frank supporting Joann Vanderpool.

Personally, I was surprised to see Vanderpool be nominated. I was skeptical of Balderas based on her lack of experience, but I cannot get excited about another lifelong machine operative (Vanderpool) sitting on council.

At least a candidate fresh out of college has not had time to be corrupted by the system.

Unknown said...

I'm not worried about Frank's ability to get a concensus on Council, only how his feelings towards Carty might come into it. Not to mention Carty's feelings about him.

I'd agree as to the Vanderpool support issue as well. If it boils down to Marc versus Frank? I'd rather see it be Frank and hope for the best.

Anonymous said...


Would you be able to help me find a political blog that covers Wisconsin issues? I know I'm not so net-savvy as thee, but I haven't had any luck finding one and I'd be interested in such a thing if one exists. Do you know of any?

Unknown said...


A rather long list where you can start...

political with links to others

Unknown said...

Another one

With links to other blogs as well. That's how I find most of my blogs is by finding one then visiting some of those on their blogrolls.


Unknown said...

It's not so much a matter of being net savy it's the trick of learning which questions to ask a search engine. I use for their search engine - I've found it better than google because they use more than just one source. is another good search source.

All I did was enter "Wisconsin blogs" and got the info. It's pretty much trial and error until you get to the point where you have a good idea of what to ask.


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

Maybe, just maybe, City Council and Toledo in general would be better served by an experienced member of the "C" team (a.k.a. the "R" team).

Or would Council rather play politics (as usual)?

Just a thought ;-)