Monday, October 24, 2005

Ohio thru a map not to be proud of

The good news? Toledo isn't on the map...not yet anyways...The bad news? Ohio has 31 "Hate" groups according to the SPL.

Link in the headline is to more information on Ohio, if you want to see the National Map to see where your state stands?


Tim said...

This is bizarre! According to the site, the little town where I live (Lemoyne, PA) has a Neo-Nazi group, Aryan Nations!

Activist hate like that is frightening. Thanks for showing the link. I may write something about it myself after pondering it for a few days. Then again, I may try to bury my head in the sand because it's more than a little bit unnerving.

Unknown said...

Tim, you might want to see this

Aryan Nations PA

That's the group in your town...

historymike said...

Why, Lisa - you too must be a aprt of the conspiracy!

Nowhere on your map are the hordes of Toledoans supporting NSM leader Bill White.

Shame, shame, shame!

Scott G said...

Are there any cool militias around there? I love those people. Anyone who says they need a .50 cal for home protection is alright. You never know when an armored unit is going to invade or you might need to shoot someone through a couple of houses

Cyberseaer said...

All right!!! NJ has 31 organized hate groups just like Ohio, but since NJ is smaller, you can only use onr tanks of gas to visit most of them. I'm going to each one to have everyone hold hands and sing "We Are The World". ;)

Unknown said...

Well Mike, maybe they just haven't gotten around to adding Toledo yet, lol.

me4? Sorry buddy none of those are militias but we do have some of those here and in Michigan.

C, yes, you win on hate per square inch over us. It's a proud moment for NJ....


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

Maybe if we could ship all of our hate groups to NJ like we used to ship our other (chemical) toxic waste...

I hate to pick on Jersey but they are known as a waste dump already and Ohio really needs to clean up its' act...

Unknown said...

I like the cute little icon they picked for some of these groups, especially the Klan, it just seems appropriate for this time of year.


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