Sunday, October 23, 2005

Prussian Blue

ABC News had the story of Lynx and Lamb with a tie in to the Toledo riot on this past week. Most of you probably haven't heard of them. The link above is to an article on National Vanguard, a White Nationalist website. (This was before April left or was kicked out of National Alliance depending on the source)

They're just twelve years old. They make beautiful, soaring, harmonious music together -- music with a pro-White slant. They're the daughters of National Vanguard writer and activist April Gaede. And they are the most talked-about duo in the burgeoning Euromusic scene: They are... Prussian Blue (They are 13 now)

Ironically they are not the only Prussian Blue band out there.

Prussian Blue Dot Com is the brand new website of the English blues rock band Prussian Blue. Completely redecorated for the launch of the new album, Room at Night. (This band has the registered trademark for Prussian Blue).

Then? We have the twins:

I'd recommend for those who are curious to check out some of the lyrics to their songs. They really don't have alot of talent, I'm not being mean, I have heard them sing. But? They have managed to get alot of publicity from Vanguard as well as David Duke. They are in many circles the Nazi Olsen Twins. It's really hard for anyone to say with any degree of honesty that this is what these girls really believe. They have been raised to believe in White Nationalism, so I don't really agree with some of those who upon discovery of this story are slamming them.

To me this demonstrates our children learn what we teach them. If they grow up in an environment where they are raised to believe Hitler was someone to be admired? Shouldn't come as such as shock when you see them on national television stating that. Could they make it as a singing duo if it were not for their "uniqueness" in promoting the White Nationalist message? Very unlikely.

What this also shows is the White Nationalist message is not quite as small as some believe, while it is fractured between several groups that at times don't even manage to get along, there are more people that support this view than most of us would like to accept. I believe the focus should be on the adults though. However I'm sure April did not mind the free publicity. Especially since the girls are having a hard time finding venues to perform in that are not White Nationalist sponsored.

As an example of what some of the White Nationalists say about April from some of the more popular White Nationalist websites:

I just watched the ABC Primetime show with April and her girls, Lynx and Lamb Lingelser. I think it's now completely obvious that April either needs to get David Duke's plastic surgeon's number, take several trips to Weight Watchers, and pay for some therapy to help her with her denial... "I think everybody is a racist"...????? Or, just admit defeat and realize that she's just an old movement groupie who's seen better days and hire a real publicist for her girls. April, being their manager/publicist is without a doubt going to be the ruin of them.

I thought that report was stupid. The girls can't sing worth a darn and are just a novelty. Their mother seems to want to cash in on them like every Jew in the world tries to do with their kids

I think that April should not be "pimping out" her 13 year old daughters by using them to "attract" adult males. If anything, she should target other kids that age. That would seem to be "normal" to most people. But when children are used to lure/bait adult males into the movement, something is wrong there.

The interview spot ended with the statement that the Gaede Family was leaving California for the Northwest, looking for an all white community to live in since their hometown was not "white enough" anymore. Obviously Harold Covington's dream of an all white country still holds true for some.

How will these girls feel when they are old enough to decide for themselves? Time will tell, if they will end up like their mother who was also raised to believe in White Nationalism or will they rebel?

I wonder at times what makes these news program directors believe this type of story serves any purpose. Sure it is designed to get ratings, to provide a "shock" value to have viewers watch as two young girls talk about white unity and admiring Hitler. Then you have ABC providing a spokesperson from NAACP who describes their music as a hate message. Of course it is a hate message, but if you were really concerned about hate music as a whole wouldn't you mention that as well? You set up the discussion to allow the comparison of Rap/Hip Hop which can be just as hateful, just as violent when you don't address an issue from all sides.

Yes, selective doesn't change anything but? It sells....


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

They are too pretty to have such ugly, black hearts...

Unknown said...


If they were not so pretty then they wouldn't be able to be marketed the way they are.


Anonymous said...

Maybe some cave in the Himalayas would be "white enough" for the Gaede family. Sounds like a good place for them to me.

Anonymous said...

Informative blog you have here. Here is mine shopping in new york

Anonymous said...

Please don't let black people know about these two or they may riot and burn down their own communities.

Anonymous said...

Prussian Blue The truth the Gaedes dont want you to hear about.

Anonymous said...

Disgusting! To be clear, though, these kids have never 'homeschooled', they were enrolled in a publicly-funded cyber-charter school and are now in a brick and mortar school. Check out this link for an interview with their mom, who refused to use the textbooks provided to them by the school:

Anonymous said...

I think that what the Gaedes want is to live in a white society that has traditional values, the kind of society that most whites would want to live in, especially if they plan to have children.

Who really came up with the idea that the idea of Nazis should be equated with white Christendom?

Jill Henry

Unknown said...

Jill, you probably have a better idea of how that happened. Off hand I'd guess the use of the Swastica as a brand as well as some of the hitler comments from the girls via the media that equated Nazism with the Gaedes.

As to parenting? Most parents want what is best for their children, however using children that young to promote what is an adult message is not the route I would select.