Friday, January 02, 2009

Jill and Maggie get a moment of applause....

As a former finalist back in 2005 for a category in the Weblog Awards, I have to say it totally soured me on the experience and it's one I never wanted to repeat and have not repeated since. Though I did meet some cool bloggers as a result so it wasn't a total loss. That said, I still am happy for Maggie Thurber that she was nominated by another Ohio blogger, Tom Blumer of BizzyBlog and I hope that Maggie has a much more enjoyable experience than I did, and that she wins, it'd be cool to have not only a blogger from Ohio but a female blogger win.

Another female blogger from Ohio, Jill over at Writes Like She Talks was picked as the most influential person in her small town by a local newspaper. Though I do have to point out that this blogger has been known to stay in her pajamas all day, well not pajamas, but today I stayed in my robe and fuzzy socks all day. I wasn't in the basement though, cept to do laundry...

I'm happy for both Jill and Maggie that they are receiving recognition, from their peers whether it be blogging peers or community peers. Kudos to you both and I'll stop typing long enough to give you a round of applause.



Jill said...

Thanks for being so gracious, Lisa Renee. Super congrats to Maggie also - we women are doing a pretty good job in Ohio, it seems. Well, at least according to some folks, whoever they are. lol - have a good weekend.

Unknown said...

I am proud of what both you and Maggie have accomplished, I guess I don't see it as being gracious, I see it as how it should be.

Both of the two of you have supported me and given me kudo's as well as constructive criticism. If anything more of us need to remember at times to give the applause at times.

All three of us have been very lucky in many ways as well as as worked pretty hard to accomplish what has been done so far.

Maggie said...

Thanks for the post, Lisa - and congrats also to Jill!

I will never forget when I was first starting out in blogging that it was you who helped with everything from advice to technical expertise.

I'm honored to be among such distinguished company as the two of you!

Unknown said...

Maggie, I'm glad you started blogging, it was very clear to me that you had quite a bit to contribute, from the recognition you've gotten so far, I think that shows not only how far you've come but how far you can go.
