Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Is the media biased against Edwards?

I headed over to the political ticker on CNN and started reading, as I started to read I noticed nothing titled John Edwards...I headed to page two...One article...Page three? Nothing...

Page 4? Nothing...Page 5? One...

Getting the same idea I am?


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

That does seem a bit suspicious. . .

Mark W Adams said...

Girl! Where you been. There's been a nearly complete media blackout of all things Edwards.

His theme, fighting corporate greed, doesn't mix well with the corporate media.

But what do I know. My college majors were political science and communications. I let others do the math.

Unknown said...

Mark, I know, I've been dealing with local stuff and I have been paying attention but this one was really a blatant one...