Thursday, January 10, 2008

Another reason to not support Obama - Kerry endorsed him...

Yes, the title is slightly tongue in cheek yet I can't really help wondering several things about the decision to make this announcement now. First, it shows that Kerry has no loyalty to John Edwards who was his running mate and worked very hard to try to help John Kerry be elected to President. Secondly, it shows that Kerry has jumped on the bandwagon of trying to influence the outcome of a presidential race.

Which others have done, so it would be hypocritical to diss Kerry without pointing out that other democrats including the Governor of my own state, have made endorsements. Strickland endorsed Clinton.

What will be interesting now is the speculation about Al Gore will probably increase. Will he now endorse Clinton? Will it be a battle of the former presidential candidates? Or will he endorse Obama as well? What affect will this have on the Edwards campaign is also a factor I have to wonder about. The email I just received as I was sitting down to write this from John Kerry asking me to support Obama is based on the belief that Obama is the one to unite our country. Just as I would have preferred that John Kerry not been the presidential choice for the Democratic Party in 2004 since I had serious concerns about his being able to attract the needed voters to win, I have those same concerns about Obama. I don't see Obama as being able to unite our country, I think it would be a difficult enough task for parts of America to vote for a woman as president. I realize that no one seems to want to address this, but the reality is, you have to be able to do more than reach the liberal voters, you have to reach the moderates, the independents, even some Republicans to win.

Do we really want a Democrat to win the presidency? In 2004 a mistake was made in picking John Kerry, as evidenced by his not being able to attract the very voters that will again need to be brought into the tent. The negative feeling many still feel about Kerry could very well not help Obama, it definitely ruins his whole "me against the status quo" theme since no one could say Kerry is not representative of the status quo...


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

"Do we really want a Democrat to win the presidency?"

Not this time around, perhaps another time and another candidate, sure.

Is there a female equivalent to Zell Miller out there though?

Unknown said...

I don't think that female equivalent exists Hooda, at least not that I've heard of. Personally, I'd rather not have another Republican elected.

It's going to be an interesting primary to see who the two parties end up with and the voter reaction where it really counts as opposed to media polls and hype.

Anonymous said...

I think Obama can’t go the distance. For one thing, there’s the Kerry endorsement (who in their right mind would want Kerry’s endorsement?) And then there is the REAL Obama Girl!!!

Scott G said...

I don't think that Kerry and Edwards were loyal to each other when they were campaigning together.

I am not sure who I want elected yet. I do know that I do not want someone that will continue us on our current path and that rules out most of the Republicans.

Roland Hansen said...

I am appalled at John Kerry's action, but somehow not surprised. I support John Edwards. I think Kerry's action will hurt rather than help Barack Obama.

Robin said...

I think it's funny that John Kerry actually thinks he has any kind of pull.