Friday, August 04, 2006

Ramp up for a bad Hurricane season...

Why do I say that?


DENVER, Colorado (AP) -- Hurricane researchers at Colorado State University said Thursday that this year's hurricane season won't be as bad earlier predicted and said a monster storm like Katrina is unlikely.

"The probability of another Katrina-like event is very small," said Phillip Klotzbach, lead forecaster for the hurricane research team.

The researchers reduced the number of likely hurricanes from nine to seven and intense hurricanes from five to three.

There is, however, a considerably higher-than-average probability of at least one intense hurricane making landfall in the United States this year, 73 percent. The average is 52 percent.

Okay I'm picking on the predictibility of forecasting which is probably not very nice...however...


Scott G said...

We will probably not have any and then Bush will claim that his war on weather was a success, Ann Coulter will come out and say that it has been so many months since Mother Nature attacked us on US soil, and Senator Lieberman will say that the whole hurricane threat was a liberal conspiracy to hurt the President

Care of Sweety Technician said...
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Care of Sweety Technician said...

This is all part of the Bermuda Triangle of Evil

Scott G said...

I tried to start a war on the Bermuda Triangle of Evil last year but my intelligence staff couldn't find it

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

Sometimes you have to wonder if those "weather types" wouldn't be better off consulting with the guy in the back room throwing chicken bones on the floor and "reading" them. . .

I'll bet that he would be more accurate, and with a whole lot less high-priced education to boot.