Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Sherrod Brown and Hillary Clinton...

As I was taking a painting break, I stopped by the Cleveland Plain Dealer to see what was going on in the world of Ohio Politics. I spotted this blurb by Mark Naymik:

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton will headline a private fund-raiser Saturday for Democratic senate hopeful Sherrod Brown.

The event, which is not being publicized by the Brown campaign and is not open to reporters, could generate about $400,000, Clinton’s advisers recently told The New York Times.

So, I headed on over to the New York Times where this article gives just a bit more detail:

Mrs. Clinton, a possible candidate for president in 2008, is planning to head to Ohio this week to hold a fund-raiser for Representative Sherrod Brown, who is trying to unseat Senator Mike DeWine, a prime target of the national Democratic Party.

Mrs. Clinton's political advisers estimate that she will help raise at least $400,000 for Mr. Brown in a state that national Democratic leaders see as ripe with opportunity because of growing unhappiness with President Bush and problems plaguing the state's Republican leadership.

I headed over to Sherrod Brown's event schedule and sure enough there is no mention. However, maybe it's just because they have not put up information past Friday yet. Or it could be that Sherrod is happy to take the possible $400,000.00 but doesn't want some of the more anti-Hillary bunch to notice. If that was the case, Mark let the cat out of the bag...

Another Ohio visit is scheduled to help Ted Strickland raise funds. While the New York Times article states that Senator Clinton is doing this to help fellow Democrats, all but the most naive realize she's doing some early favor collecting and positioning.

2008 is still far enough off that I don't have a clear favorite though I do still admire quite a bit about John Edwards and just hope we don't have a repeat of John Kerry....

(written for the Carnival of Ohio Politics, brought to you by the wonderful Paul Miller of Northwest Ohio Net visit him tomorrow to see what some of Ohio's best bloggers are writing about)


Scott G said...

There is no way in hell that I want Hillary as nominee. I want someone to be principled and actually hold some beliefs outside of polls.

Unknown said...

Kerry is still positioning himself, so if it turns out to be a Kerry or Clinton situation then what? Granted it's still way too early yet but that's my biggest fear as to what the choice will be for those who want to vote Democratic.

Scott G said...

Then I use more cohersive techniques with Al Gore. Or maybe, I start a write-in campaign for myself as an Independent

Unknown said...

Somehow I don't think that will work with Gore, for you? That might be possible.


Scott G said...

I could put up billboards saying, "If you are sick of wankers and think your beloved nation is going to pot. Vote Scott."

Obviously, I did not major in marketing or advertising

Unknown said...

That type of honesty might just be refreshing enough to do it.


We're having really bad storms here so haven't been on much. Hoping the basement at the house is okay but it appears we can't get there from here, the road is flooded too badly to try to get out of here.