Monday, March 06, 2006

Joaquin Phoenix

Which film was overlooked for a Best Picture nomination?

42% Walk the Line

Yes, I was one of the 42% who voted that way. I thought Crash was okay, but I thought Walk the Line was better. Not that the Academy asked me (lol) but I also felt Joaquin Phoenix should have won the best actor category.

I remember first noticing Joaquin in Space Camp, thinking while they were talented that the whole Phoneix family was a bit different but than most people don't participate in a cult then movie to California and have all of their children end up performing in either movies or music.

Joaquin has been in many movies I have enjoyed, but I think Walk the Line was his best performance so far. Though he was very good in Gladiator and Ladder 49, and the Village...and Hotel Rwanda...I admit I never saw It's all about Love.

His two sisters, Summer and Rain have created another band called Paper Cranes, Liberty is the only one who has not continued either in music or acting. She had a line of clothing but not sure if she still does, the website for her is no longer listed.

Some pictures of the whole Phoneix family can be found here, I actually remember them being on the cover of Vegetarian Times magazine. (I should have kept those!).

Rather than repeat the family bio of what they went thru during and after leaving the Children of God cult, this site does an excellent job for those who haven't read about it before.


Cyberseaer said...

The Village? That was a boring piece of crap if I have ever saw one. I like the Indian director dude (whose name I can't ever begin to spell). I like Sixth Sense, Unbreakable, and Signs. The Village was this guy's first bad flick in my opinion and everyone in it acted badly.

Sorry about that. I just can't stnad that movie. Now, back on point.

I felt that Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon did an excellent job as John and June Cash but the movie itself didn't really move me. don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the movie and maybe it should have replaced Brokecabk Mountain for best picture, but I wasn't that emtional invovled with it. The only movie on the best picture list that I saw was Crash and I was glad to see it win. For me, Crash was a bunch of puzzle pieces that connected together and shown that our actions affect other people down the line, for good or ill, and we may never know what the result was.

Crash did something to me that few movies have done; it fooled me. For those who haven't seen the movie I will try not to spoil this scene, but there is a scene with a little girl that had me sucked in and turn a left turn on me that I didn't see coming. In hindsight, I see where it went and why, but it fooled me into believing one way and go somewhere else. That it a mark of a great movie. To get people emotionally invloved with a bunch of characters within two hours and make people care what happens is great storytelling. That movie deserves the Oscar.

Should have Phoenix gotten the Oscar? Maybe. But, from what I heard,

Cyberseaer said...

I hate hitting the send button by accident.

Anyway, from what I heard, Philip Seymour Hoffman did an outstanding job as Capote and most likely deserves the Statue, though he did ramble alot in his acceptance speech.

I'm just glad Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal both lost for their roles. I saw the little clips of their work and they both sucked, in my opinion.

I'm glad that Witherspoon won for best actress. I saw June Carter Cash when I saw Witherspoon play the role. With Phoenix, I saw a man do a very good impression of Johhny Cash, but I saw the woman through the actress and that is why Witherspoon won and Phoenix didn't. When you believe you are seeing the character and not the actor you see acting at it's very best.

Ok, I'm done with my version of movietime. ;)

Unknown said...

I liked parts of the Village, it was campy but it was supposed to be that way. That's the genre of that type of movie.

I didn't like Crash, it was okay but I didn't think it was Academy Award material.

Walk the Line did move me, but then I grew up listening to Johnny and June and I knew alot about their history. I liked Walk the Line better than last years movie about Ray Charles.

That's the thing about the Academy Awards though, it's really not based on any set criteria, so just like you and I can feel differently about the same movie it's basically the same thing with the Oscar. Who wins it isn't necessarily truly the best, just who spent the most money or had the most influence over those who voted.


Cyberseaer said...

I agree. The Oscars are very politically influenced. Gee, another bubble burst about life being fair. I heard a story that Kevin Spacey went to the old actors homes and feed them great lunchs and talked to them about him and that helped him win the Oscar for American Beauty. Again, that's what I heard and I have not confirmation.

But Lisa, please don't tell me that you weren't an emtional wreck at that point of Crash that I descibed. I felt that was a great movie. I also felt that Ray was better than Walk The Line and I really don't listen to either's music. But, as you said. It's all subjective.

Must go to class now. Bye.

Unknown said...

Crash created some emotional moments and without giving it away I'll say it was the ending that made me disappointed.

Miguel really liked it, he felt it was better than Walk the Line, but maybe it's my mood too, I felt more entertained by Walk the Line and drained by Crash.

Just like watching The Thing about My Folks. I expected it to be funny and then it turned into more of a drama.

Have fun at class.


I did think Jon was more enjoyable as a host than Chris Rock though.

Scott G said...

I didn't think that the actors from Brokeback deserved to win. Their acting wasn't amazing, I think the story carried the movie. I only saw Crash and Brokeback for best picture nominees, but my friends tell me that Hustle and Flow should have won more

Unknown said...

I didn't see Hustle and Flow, Miguel did and he really liked it, I didn't watch all of Brokeback Mountain. So all I can compare is Crash and Walk the Line.

Miguel was peeved about the way the song "it's hard to be a pimp" (going from memory as to name) was performed. He said it was horribly done. I was surprised that was the one that won.


Scott G said...

That is going to be my theme song when I run for office. I may change pimp to president, but everything else will stay the same.

I liked Brokeback, but it didn't blow my mind. I think if you don't have a problem with homosexuality, what makes it special is that the movie is about gays. I don't differentiate between same and opposite sex love, so to me it was a love story that was pretty good, but not amazing.

historymike said...

Haven't seen "Crash" yet, but I think the awards accurately reflected the merits of the films, directors, and cast.

"I Walk the Line" was excellent, but not one of those films that you will return to watch several times.

"Brokeback" was solid, but not spectacular.

I agree that Reese Witherspoon outshone Joaqin Phoenix. I admit, though, that my impressions are colored by the fact that Phoenix could not quite hit Johnny Cash's deep baritone, and they had to play the songs in a higher key.

Unknown said...

If I use my "what one would Lisa want to own on DVD theory"

Walk the Line would be the only one I'd want.
