Thursday, February 09, 2006

Thursday's share some link love while Lisa dreams....

While I'm looking at pictures of what Toledo was and dreaming about what it could be thanks to the wonderful photos of the Old West End of Toledo organization as linked above....It is once again time to share some link lovin OTA style.

If you don't know what I'm talking about? Do not despair...answers await you at The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns

Now back to dreaming about owning the Bartley Mansion....

It's not an OTA but I just got done reading an article written by Michael over at The Reaction on the muslim cartoon issue. It's an interesting perspective as to the cultural issue and one I recommend.


Freedom Folks shares a request for "A Little Help For A Pal"

Hintages: Kit & Heidi from Euphoric Reality are hoping to attend the Milbloggers conference In DC this April. Being normal folks they lack what we around here like to call the crazy pimp money. They put a call out on their blog for some blogger donations, so the management of Freedom Folks decided to sweeten the pot a little bit to help that crazy pimp money start flowing...

Imagine Kitty incites some rioting with "Cartoon of bloggers"

Taunting: What you gonna do about it, bloggy? Riot? Burn down your computer? I dare ya! I dare ya!