Friday, February 10, 2006

Deep dark secrets about me finally revealed...

Since some of my work has been out there a bit more as of late, and a recent stalking experience where someone really wanted to find out more about me...I'm throwing caution to the wind to let some of my readers know some really personal details about me. Yes, this is where I bare my soul to the entire blogosphere and I hope that my loyal fans will still stick by me after finding out this most deep dark secret.....

I, (boy this is harder than I thought it would be)...I am addicted to a substance. Yes, I've tried to fight it, I've also considered seeking help for this addiction. I know I am not alone yet I have tried to keep this from public knowledge.

Thanks to some recent research I realized how many others share an addiction to this, I was amazed! It encouraged me to come forward and finally admit this. While I knew I was not alone I had no idea to what lengths people would be hooked on this

After you get done throwing things at your computer screens :-)

While the Kroger's brand of "ju ju fish" is okay and will suffice in a pinch, there is nothing like the red chewy goodness of Swedish Fish. If I am forced to eat another brand, I go thru and eat all of the red ones first. Songs have been written in honor of the Swedish Fish, though I disagree with Veruca Salt that:

Green or red, goodnight, remember
Green is best of all the flavours

I can't disagree with:

I love my swedish fish
I love my swedish fish
I love my swedish fish
He’s my pisces gift

Wikpedia even has a page on Swedish Fish. I also found an amazing web fan club that has a web ring for we lovers of the fish. Thankfully the moments here in this area where I cannot find my Swedish Fish are limited, but should I ever run into difficulty finding them? Sites like Old Time Candy offer not only Swedish Fish but other tasty items from my past, like Squirrel Nut Zippers, and Peanut patties, as well as Wax Bottles.

It is times like this that I thank God for the internet, because the world would be a pretty darn horrible place should these items not be available to all who seek them.



historymike said...

Deep down I knew that your were TROUBLE, Lisa.

With a capital T and all the rest.

Now we know why you are so depraved.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of Death, I shall not put a Swedish Fish to mine lips.


Unknown said...

Well they say confession is good for the soul...and those little fishies are almost sinful.


Cyberseaer said...

This goes to prove that even bloggers have slow news days.

Unknown said...

Oh there's lots of news, just in one of those "Swedish Fish" moods.


KraZyKaT said...

I offered my 8 yr. old niece a piece of Dentyene Ice the other day and she xclaimed "Thats not gum! It doesn't look like it."

I thought..hmmm....I will try to explained to her that it looked just like Chiclets. He eyes rolled in a state of perplextion as she pondered the thought. "What is that?"

Old time gum I told her. Like Beemans and Fruity Stripes. Again a look of skepticism. Reluctantly she accepted it and as she put it in her mouth the Grammy Awards announced the Record of the Year. She looked at me and said...Is a Chiclet and Fruity Stripes like a record.

It was then and there I realized what it really meant to be a Baby Boomer. It's not just Grey Hair and aching bones...Its about Vinyl records, riding your bike without pads, chiclets and fruity stripe, and YES...WAX BOTTLES!

Mark said...

So, Lisa...

Have you gotten any bribes, yet? People asking you to change your opinion in exchange for a regular supply of Swedish Fish?

Now that you let the cat out of the bag...

Unknown said...

Not yet Stephanie, but I'd suggest since I have a good supply of fish at the moment that anyone who might be inclined to offer a bribe went with the Squirrel Nut Zippers.....


Unknown said...

Thanks KK, I love beeman's gum too, brings back memories of my dad because that was always the gum that they stocked on the planes he flew for people to chew.

I still can find it around here at times, as well as black jack gum but it's kind of hit and miss.

Thankfully my children having me as a parent have experienced the joy of such items as Wax bottles, and lest I forget...Wax lips


Mark said...

I used to get this stuff at a particular drug store when I was a kid. They still called it penny candy, but charged between 10 - 25 cents. Now, I can only find it in jumbo packages for several bucks a pop.

Unknown said...

It is kind of silly to still call it penny candy when it's more like "dime" candy now.


Unknown said...

Nimbusters are nicer than the guy I just deleted.


David said...

Thanks, Lisa. I'd never heard of these until now. Hmmm... am I now going to be awake all night thinking of these delicacies?

Uhm, not quite, but I will keep an eye out for 'em in the future.


Unknown said...

You've never had Swedish Fish? Wow, imagine gummy bears without so much gum and more flavor....

Then? You'll be close to imagining the pleasures of Swedish Fish...


Jill said...

Lisa, it's okay. I've allowed both my 12 year old, my husband AND my six year old to become addicted. Me? I'm a serial M&Ms eater. Or Oreo doublestuff. Or Fig Newtons. well, okay - let's face it - whatever is within arm's reach. :)

Unknown said...

Jill, I'm allergic to chocolate, but I would agree on the Fig Newtons, or Lorna Doones.
