Wednesday, December 14, 2005

The Alito Conference Call

My second conference call of the day was a bit different. I was informed by the operator before being connected that I would be in "listen only" mode when I gave my identifying number; I asked exactly what that meant and was told it meant I was not allowed to ask any questions.

I have linked Alito's America in the title link for those of you who are interested in more information about their movement to prevent Samuel Alito, Jr., from becoming a Supreme Court Justice.

I have to admit though that I was pretty disappointed, as the "evidence" and statements made were basically the same information that can be seen on Daily Kos as one example. If I would have been given the opportunity to ask some questions first would have been given the reality that there is quite some time before President Bush's term ends what will this really accomplish if somehow Alito is not confirmed? Do they really believe they will end up with a better candidate? Who would they like to see that President Bush would actually consider nominating? Those questions will go unanswered....

Paul Begala from CNN was already talking by the time I got approved and thru the operator assisted system for this conference call. Some quotes from him, "Democrats need a spinal transplant...I don't want mychildren to grow up in Alito's America where ten year old children are strip searched." He after continuing in that vein had to return to work so was not a part of the questions.

Paul also made a comment that Alito's mother had even stated he would overturn Roe V Wade, frankly I was surprised someone who works for CNN would make that type of a misrepresentation. That is not what she stated, first of all if it even should be asked of an 90-year-old "of course, he's against abortion" was what she stated. Then again, given the way the "strip searching children" is being over-played I guess it shouldn't have suprised me.

David Halperin was up next, he believes that there will not be a large number of attorneys who will go on record as being against Alito. He states they feel that there would be repercussions against them or their clients if they oppose Alito and he is then confirmed.

Next Jeralyn Merritt, she stated criminal justice issues should be the issue rather than abortion. That the key issue should be to prevent injustice she doesn't think
Alito will do that. As an example she states the Supreme Court has 3 dozen death penalty cases and only three abortion cases during the same time period. Jeralyn feels Alito would be the most conservative justice on the Supreme Court.

She said during Alito's record as a judge there had been 15 death penality cases, 5 of which came before the court. In those five Alito ruled against the inmate. This seems to follow very closely This LA Times commentary, except it states there were ten cases that came up not 15, five of which Alito was involved in. She then touched on the strip search issue again which I really think has been covered. There is some dispute as to the way the death penality cases have been viewed, Town Hall has some of the opposing information on the Death penality issue so that you can make up your own mind, or search for more additional information.

Next, Jeralyn stated Alito felt it was justified for an unarmed teenager to be shot. This was not a court ruling, this is another one of the memo's written during the Regan years, 1984 for this one, that keep being brought up. Should they be a huge issue? That's debateable. I felt quite differently about many issues back in 1984 than I do now, I also wrote many documents in the course of my employment that would not necessarily reflect my personal views. Put in context these old documents have a place as far as questions but not quite to the degree some of them have been made into.

Several of the callers stated they were not seeing alot of intensity over the Alito issue. David touched on that and suggested the website with it's video and information as a way to try to encourage more of a response on this issue. He also stated student groups were actively involved with Bork, they were not with Roberts but he was seeing a growing trend with this on Alito and felt this was a way that could be effective.

In the end I did not learn anything new about Alito that made me change my mind nor do I believe his confirmation will be prevented. However, I think it's important to discuss Alito's nomination. If nothing else it will hopefully encourage people to seek out information on what both sides are saying about Alito. As in almost every case the truth will most likely lie in the middle.


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

"As in almost every case the truth will most likely lie in the middle."

I prefer to put as somewhere between both sides, rather than in the middle. I think that between more accurately encompasses the reality.

And, the only way Alito would not be confirmed is if someone has pictures of him and Begala nekkid in bed together.

Such is the politics of the situation.

(I think your conference call with Suzi was much more informative and well, less controlled.)

Unknown said...

I think so too HT, both on what it would take for Alito to not be confirmed and the conference calls. It was a strange thing that both offers came on the same day. I knew this one was going to be alot more structured but I was surprised I wasn't allowed to ask questions. Guess I'm not that far up the foodchain when it comes to the larger calls.

I agree the call with Suzi was more enjoyable and it was not predictable. I was as I wrote, a bit disappointed with the way this one went.

David said...

"... frankly I was surprised someone who works for CNN would make that type of a misrepresentation..."

Lisa, hate to break it to ya, but there is no Santa Claus, either. And the Easter Bunny? Stew.


Unknown said...

There is a tooth fairy though....right?
