In the course of another endless fluff piece about Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, USA today writes a piece wondering what the Nuns of Toledo think about the whole engagement/conversion to Scientology.
First hate to break it to you USA Today but you didn't ask any nuns or if you did you forgot to write about them. Secondly alot of us really don't care that much if "Toledo's own Katie Holmes" converts or marries anyone.
Thirdly, and the real reason for even spending more blog time on the whole "Tomkat" issue:
Holmes is the youngest of five siblings, the daughter of an attorney in a town where coney dogs and bowling still equal a decent night out.
We have more restuarants than most other cities our size and guess what? Most of them don't even serve coney dogs. Sure Toledoans love to bowl but we actually have movie theatres, minauture golf and lots of other "decent night out" activities. Our zoo with it's concert series, our Art Museum, the Toledo Symphony, all of our local festivals, Fifth Third Field one of the best stadiums built for our Toledo Mudhens and on and on......
Hard to believe but we even have malls out here, more than one even. So while of course Tony Packo's has given us the reputation for coney dogs, we are much more than that and somehow without Katie Holmes being here anymore either.....
Sides anyone with a brain knows you can't open bowl till the leagues are done -- sheesh...
and yes, I did send a copy of this to USA Today...I will of course await their correction, while I still wait to here from Governor Taft and Mr. Obi too....
Coneys? First thing I'd do is take the reporter to Packo's for a real Toledo tradition. Then to the best ballpark in the minors. Perhaps we could arrange tickets to the Art Tatum Jazz Festival where we could jam to George Benson. Toledo is a great town. And I'm glad a local family owns the paper, as opposed to the USA Today conglomerate.
Thanks for the blogroll, and the support for not worrying about Bob Frantz. (The Rush Report he airs every morning...nauseating.)
No problem Frank, thanks for visiting and for commenting.
Maybe we need to work on getting a more "liberal" view out there in our local talk radio but until then? We have the blogs.
Soon USA Today will report that NJ is all mobbed up. Sheesh, with the libel ever stop? And what's wrong with bowling as a good night out?
Katie Holmes will be Mrs. Ex-Cruise in about three to four years. She was ok in Batman Begins, but they made ssure that she wore a tight blouse close to the end of the flick on a cold windy day so that she could poke through. ;) I can't wait until The War of the Worlds is out of the threaters so that we can stop listening to these two.
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