Saturday, June 25, 2005

Not pulling rank?

I watched this unfold yesterday on the local news. Yes it's a Toledo story but still full of the excitement and thrills you can expect from the Glass City.

A woman pulls up infront of the Municipal Court Building and parks in a no-parking zone. She is told by a police officer it's a no parking zone. She tells him she will just be a minute and goes inside. Now for most of us what would happen is we would get a parking ticket, which did happen. When the police officer ran the plates on the car he discovered they were expired, as well as the driver's license for the driver as well. So he called a tow truck. So far not exciting is it?

Before the tow truck starts to hook up her car, she returns, get's back in the car and asks the Police Officer to not tow her car. She then identifies herself as a Toledo City Councilperson and starts making phone calls, to the Safety Director, Joe Walter and the Chief of Police Mike Navarre also ended up being called in the process. During this time with media on the scene she is sitting in her car appearing to be very bored with the whole thing, reading a magazine when not on the cell phone. Her father, who is a Judge on the Municipal Court was also called by someone, so he left the bench and went outside to make sure she was okay.

Chief Navarre over-rules the tow, a police officer then gets into the driver's seat of the car and takes it with the city council person in it to a parking garage.

Ms. McConnell Hancock said she asked the officers not to tow her car, but didn't raise her voice or try to pull rank. I'm sorry but I cry Bullshit! Yes, with a capital B. How many of us have direct access to Joe Walter or would have command officers call the Chief of Police for us? She identified herself as a council person for the specific reason of trying to pull rank.

Mayor Jack Ford said he would talk to Mr. Walter. "In a case of a mayor or councilman, if their car should be towed for a legitimate reason, there should not be any intervention," the mayor said. Considering Jay Black resigned over a phone call, shouldn't there be demands for McConnell Hancock to resign as well?

The irony here? Councilman Karyn McConnell Hancock, a lawyer who is chairman of council's law and criminal justice committee and was recently was elected president pro tem of council.

She did release the following statement:

"I apologize for taking up the valuable time of our public safety officers on such a hot day when I'm sure they had more important matter to which to tend".

So my fellow Lucas Countians, or those visiting Toledo, remember if you ever park illegally and they want to tow your car even if you have an expired driver's license or expired plates? Tell them you are a tax payer and that you would like a Command Officer to call Chief Navarre for you. Make sure you write down this phone number 419-936-2020 and ask to talk to Joe Walter.

This is the problem with what is wrong with Toledo politics, both Democrats and Republicans, there are too many "Good old boy" type family connections that make it so apparent that from being assigned to City Council to getting away with not having your car towed depends on who you know. And by the way? She's up for re-election this November, she also paid her 25 dollar parking ticket and renewed her driver's license and car plates.

Toledo has a shortage of police officers, unlike us out here in the township where several cars can be spared for this type of thing. Had the car been ticketed and towed, yes it would have been inconvenient for Ms. McConnell Hancock, but it would have required less police time. A person who is the chairman of council's law and criminal justice committee should demonstrate they are not above the law.


Unknown said...

I don't often agree with Mayor Ford, but this time he did make the right statement. You were at work so probably didn't get to see it when Fox had it on at 4 yesterday...Had you seen her sitting there in her car thumbing thru a magazine waiting for her to be told she wouldn't be towed?

The media must have gotten a tip from someone because they got there pretty quickly. Very true had they not been alerted this would have probably never been mentioned.

Cyberseaer said...

What? Lawyers and politicains bending the law for their own benefit? And they aren't from LA nor NY? I am truly shocked. Better get them Duke boys to help you people out. I hear that they can take care of corruption in the upper levels of city polotics and make a good moonshine to boot.

By the way, you have to tell me what the Glass City means? A Jersey boy like me don't understand the nickname.

Unknown said...

Toledo is known as the Glass City because of its long history of innovation in all aspects of the glass industry: windows, bottles, windshields, and construction materials.

We are also "Frogtown" because of the drought of 1835 when hoards of frogs hopped thru the streets of downtown Toledo to head for the Maumee River...

We also have cheaper Ben and Jerry's and Little Debbies...


As an update it's been announced that she is now going to be charged with both having expired plates and expired driver's license via Toledo Fox 36....

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