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No, I haven't changed my mind about not being crazy about on-line petitions, but I did add my name to this one and felt it was worth posting here for those of you who don't read TCF's blog. I do believe Rove's comments were out of line because he is a member of the White House staff and not a spokesperson for the RNC where it would still be over the top yet at least not sanctioned by a President who is supposed to be the President of the United States, not the President of Republicans only......
I thought the last refuge, for a scoundrel was prayer. What do I care? Sorry Lisa. I can't not sign the petition you ask me to sign. It may be the right thing to do, but John Kerry is supportting it. Him and his wife, just piss me off. They tried to show everyone that they were richer and smarter than all of us dumb ordinary people, and should be in the White House by brithright. As for the Swift Boat issue, I could care less. He was just so smug and changed his mind as often as he change his cars, that I couldn't trust him with my chilren, let alone running the country. So I voted for Bush (not a great choice either, but the lesser of the two evils in my opinion). So, when Kerry says foul to something, I suspect that he is getting a kickback somewhere and to wait until 1,000 other sources confirm his crusade.
I'm not a fan of Kerry either, nor did I vote for him...but remember even a clock is right twice a day...
That's a great story. Waiting for more. lipitor side effects
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