Wow....I think I discovered why my blog will remain an infant, I can't revel in hate or destruction. Nor do I feel that I have to sprinkle my writings with profanities to make a point.
Alot of the blogs are jumping all over DeLay no longer participating in the seminar I wrote about below, when the statement that he is going to Rome for the funeral of the Pope is true. Yet not many clarifications so far, alot of hatred though.
Sometimes it's with a heavy heart I see just as much hatred coming from the liberal side as I do the conservative one. They post with glee about the Freepers clocking out about Frist backtracking on the Schiavo story, yet are they any different in the way they're handling DeLay?
Okay so if he did have an illegally paid for trip back in 1997? That's new news? Or old news trotted out to do what? I doubt he's going to step down over that, nor do I think the newer bit about his wife and daughter being paid over 500,000 is going to do much either.
It's important it should be covered but whatever happened to looking for the whole truth not just the part of the story that meets your agenda.....that to me is what the blogosphere was supposed to be about.....
UPDATE: Man I'm getting good at this prediction stuff, and here is I predict the tactic Rush and the bunch will have on this -- from anklebitingpundit:
Tom DeLay gets the double barrell treatment today, as he's the subject to two critical Page 1 articles in both the New York Times (focusing mainly on payments to family members for running his campaign) and The Washington Post (an article about a 1997 trip to Russia that you have to read about 5 times to understand). What do they get? A big fat zero.
The bottom line? DeLay complied with the law and listed all payments to his family from his PAC and campaign funds for running his campaign (the information has been on file for 4 years). And as to the Russia trip - neither article alleges anything illegal done by DeLay. And again, all information about what DeLay did on the trip was properly disclosed and known years ago. So what we have here is a total of over 3800 words which allege nothing illegal or unethical about DeLay's conduct. Gee, wonder why their doing this?
So there we have it....shots fired....shots missed....and the real target? Got away.....
1 comment:
Looks like the GOP is prepared to throw the Majority Leader to the lions - so there's something to be said for the value of the hatefest.
I was raised not to hate, and educated by Quakers - so I don't hate Tom DeLay. But gee, it sure is easy to hate some of the things he says, does, stands for, and probably thinks . . .
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