Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Confronting The Judicial War on Faith...

Americablog is covering the Tom Delay not participating aspect of this. To me however it is a much deeper more serious issue. If you look at the Executive Board of this group it's like a who's who of the Religious Right...

Executive Committee:

Rev. Jerry Falwell
Michael Farris (Home School Legal Defense Association)
former Vatican Ambassador Ray Flynn
Alveda King (King for America)
Rabbi Daniel Lapin (Toward Tradition)
Ron Luce (Teen Mania)
Dave Meyer (Joyce Meyer Ministries)
Fr. Frank Pavone (Priests for Life)
Dr. Rick Scarborough (Vision America – Interim Chairman, Judeo-Christian Council for Constitutional Restoration)
Phyllis Schlafly (Eagle Forum)
Thomas Smith (America 21)
Mike Valerio

Activist Judges are undermining democracy, devastating families and assaulting Judeo-Christian morality....that's the main intro line to their site.

What that means is "Judges are doing things we don't like". Judges are supposed to follow law, constitutional law, one of the many reasons our founding fathers created the three branches of government. For it to work the system of checks and balances has to actually have "balance". Majority rule may work when it comes to the voting process but it doesn't work nor should it when it comes to the Judiciary. It's not how many of us feel "this" way, it's what does the laws of the state and or federal government say. Is every Judge perfect? Of course not that's why there is a process for appeal. To try to ignore the fact that the Schiavo case had more due process than any case in recent or past history is almost laughable. The Schindler family didn't loose because the Judges all wanted Terri dead, or they had some ulterior motive, it was based on the law as it is written in Florida. I'm surprised they didn't include Randall Terry as a speaker too, but perhaps they even realized he's too far out there for most of them, though Father Frank Pavone being on the executive board should be a clear enough warning that Truth is not what they are looking for.

Let's look at their list of things these "activist" judges have singlehandedly done according to them:

Removal of Terri Schiavo's Feeding Tube
Homosexual Marriage
Taking God out of the Pledge of Allegiance
Bans on Ten Commandment Monuments
Abortion on Demand
Prohibiting School Prayer

It's sad that they are once again using Terri Schiavo to promote their agenda, but then again that's par for the course. Now that she's gone there has to be another way for them to try to fundraise in her name so I guess this is the choice.

If we were to loose that balance then we would really have to worry about activist judges who didn't base their opinions on law but on public opinion. Blaming judges for the situation with Terri Schiavo or even trying to blame them for the increase in violence aimed at judges isn't the solution.

In doing some checking, http://www.stopactivistjudges.org, is managed by Media Services Group, who's mission is:

The goal of Media Services Group is to share the Gospel of JESUS Christ through the use of good public relations. For many years, faith-based organizations have done a poor job of communicating their message to the public - and communicating internally! We're here to make sure the "greatest story ever told" gets the attention it commands. Based in all places....Texas......

Some of the executive board, such as Rick Scarborough with his Vision America are also represented by Media Services Group.