Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Ben Konop demonstrating age discrimination....

Yes, it's true. Right on the heels of my disappointment in finding out Sherrod cancels, I get this email from Konop for Lucas County:

The future of our party and this community rests in the hands of a new generation of leaders. In an effort to get young Democrats and progressives of all stripes working together to help Lucas County, I'm helping organize a Democratic Unity Town Hall Meeting for those UNDER AGE 35. Here are the details:

WHO: Any Lucas County Democrat or Progressive Under Age 35
WHAT: Democratic Unity Town Hall Meeting
WHERE:University of Toledo Student Union Room 2561
WHEN: Wednesday, January 18th, 7PM
WHY: Because the future is in our hands

I'm honored to have both the UT College Democrats and the Lucas County Democratic Party Young Democrats Club cosponsoring this event with me. Other young Democratic leaders are getting involved too. If you're under 35, care about the future of our community, and want to work together, please try and join us.

I feel so old now...and I guess the future isn't in my hands anymore...*sniff* but for those of you UNDER AGE 35? You are welcome to attend. Hmmm I don't look 45...I still get carded when I buy ciggs...wonder if they are going to check id's at the door....



historymike said...

I am at the age where I could still sneak into that function, but can't wait to get the AARP discount at 55.

Unknown said...

I'm thinking "stealth Lisa mode"


Anonymous said...

You wouldn't want to hang out with the UT College Dems anyway. The Republicans on campus have MUCH better parties, I hear.

Unknown said...

WAIT!!! Was that you volunteering to go for me Emily?



Unknown said...

lol Buddha, you are very pretty.


Jill said...

Lisa - GO! If I were there, I'd go. Also, should you find yourself with nothing better to do, search my blog on something like "44" or boomer and you should come up with a couple of posts I write decrying the focus on 35 and under and the abandonment of our end of the boomers (born in 62 here). I'm totally with you.

Unknown said...

Thanks Jill, and I will search that out, it sounds like something I will enjoy reading.

Perhaps I can coherce Emily to take me....a mom/daughter political moment...


Cyberseaer said...

I would go to that event Lisa, except for this minor facts:

1.) I'm over the age limit by two years.

2.) I generally vote Republician, becasue the party looks me in the eye and tells me that they will take my money for their own projects and there is nothing I can do about it; whereas the Democrats tell me they will take more of my money and not to worry all is well. Just tell me that you'll anal rape me and not hide the fact and I might vote for the honest criminal, I meant politicians.

3.) And this is an important one, I live friggin' Jersey with next to no money, since the Alaskians are using it, to pay for the gas to get over there.

But I bet it will be a hoot and I am secretly crying that I won't be able to attend. Besides, Law and Order is on that night

Unknown said...

I know it has to be really difficult for you to miss this one C.

I can picture the headlines now...45 year old booted from Young Democrat meeting...


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

Sounds to me like Ben is shopping for some young pliable minds to shape in his own image, and not have to fend off the questions of inquiring minds that are not in awe of him.

But, I could be wrong... NOT!

For the record, did the announcement really state under 35 three or four times???

Talk about arrogance...

Has Ben never heard of old age and treachery overcoming youth and exuberance every time?

Silly BOY...

Unknown said...

Yeppers HT, I copied it directly from the email with the emphasis as it was sent to me.

While of course lots of young Democrat groups exist and I don't blame Ben for encouraging their support, it felt strange to have it worded the way it was and..made me feel old....


Scott G said...

You vote though. Us slackers under 35 (barely) always find something better to do like sleep in or play computer games. Plus, we can't run for president so we don't threaten anyone's campaign directly

Unknown said...

Well at least I'm not old enough to be your mom...


Valbee said...

I got carded a few weeks ago. It was lovely. But then one of our students had to go and ruin it for me today by saying, "What, they asked you for your Golden Buckeye card?"

He will pay... the semester has just begun...

Seriously, though... if I were a member of the UT College Dems, I'd be ticked about this. An organization that I have every right to belong to as a non-traditional student dares to deny me entrance to an event it's co-sponsoring? Nope. That doesn't fly with me.

Anonymous said...

Wow! That sucks...and reeks of hypocrisy! (God, I love that word.) The party of political correctness practicing agism...hmm. There's definitely something fishy there.

I would go just to undermine their efforts, except I haven't learned to tesseract yet and I doubt I'll be able to prefect the technique in time.

Unknown said...

It gets worse! That age discriminator Ben wrote this on our local message board (Toledo Talk):

Subcomandante (Bob)
As a fan of yours, I would be honored if you stop by. I will make an exception to the "under 35" rule for you.
Ben Konop

Favoritism and age discrimination! (lol)

Unknown said...

You do have a valid point though Val and one that they should have considered given the high numbers of non-traditional students.

Maybe it's a clever ruse to get us to talk about Ben...if so? It worked.


Anonymous said...

Ah, but I don't count as far as that goes, since I don't know who Ben (or Bob) is.


Unknown said...

Bob is one of our local satire writers, he has the site Toledo Tales

He's quite a character...


Anonymous said...

It's just the name (subcomandante) made me think of some of the people frequenting historymike's site.

Satire is much better.

Unknown said...

I can understand that, he is a very unique person though not one of "those" ones.


Subcomandante Bob said...

Yes, Subcomandante Bob is no Nazi.

He loves people of all races, creeds, and colors, especially those with money.

Lots of money. Who like to give it to Bob.

Bob always speaks of himself in the third person, except when he takes his meds.

Bob's likes:
1. Booze;
2. Fast cars;
3. Booze in fast cars;
4. Drinking to get rid of hangovers;
5. Drinking steadily and heavily so that a hangover never occurs;
6. Skewering every shred of idiocy in American culture that needs to be humbled.

Bob is apolitical, except in the sense that he likes politicians who toss him cash. He does have opinions on many things, though he is likely to change them depending on whether he is in a manic or depressive phase.

Bob now thinks there needs to be a "getting to know Bob" post that he can easily link, so that precious drinking time is not lost on these important, though lengthy, converstaions with newbies.

Umm...Bob says 'hi," Steph.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bob!

Sorry to distract you from your drinking!


Though, I must say, those meds probably don't mix with the drinking very well and good make your hang-overs worse.

Hey! Maybe Ben will slip you some cash for attending his function! Just don't make him a target between now and then.

Anonymous said...

...could make your hang-overs worse...

I don't think this is a good sign for me to begin my writing work now.

Brian Maxson said...

Hey Lisa, Happy New Year.

Mind if I sit a spell? I have this to get off my chest.

There is this thirst for knowledge. I know I'm parched a lot of the time.

Some people don't believe me, but I love Toledo. I swell with pride when someone I am speaking with references Toledo. As a matter of fact, I almost died when I saw Ralph Hower, my sophmore English teacher from Macomber, in the WalMart parking lot here in Vero.

I know it's obvious I harbor this angst towards several members of the Democratic community, and I know it's troubling to see me act all like a jerk, but to know how much it pisses me off to know the opprotunities for Toledo to become a shining example of progress fall carelessly through the cracks as politics interfere.

I do know one thing, Toledo needs a clean slate of politicans and purge what we have now. Nothing is getting done.Instead of working to make a better community, Council chooses to bicker about re-voting because a Democrat ain't the Council President.

There are members flagarently violating the rules and don't give a crap what is right, personal agendas supercede community needs, excuses and delays and look at how old these people are.

There has to be a healthy political balance in Toledo and until that time comes, nothing is going to get done unless the commmunity shines a really bright light on it.

Look back at the last twelve years and see how many stupid things were brought up in session and passed. I know some things have moved forward, but someone had to sacrifice more than nessassary and the result is animosity. The seperate democrat factions is a stellar example.

And here I sit, seeing right at the drama, knowing what I know, it just blows me away at how simple it would be to right the ship and bring 'er to port.

How simple it would be to instead of trying to rip off the community and manipulate the system to just squeeze out that boat payment, to just be honest, vote for what's best, and if you're going to advance your career politically, why not have honesty be the platform instead of kowtowing? Why be the "party line" politican and not stand up for your community?

There are a lot of bright ideas comming to the surface, I'm just not comfortable with the people wanting to mold them.

Unknown said...

Brian, you are always welcome here, you know that. (or at least you should)

I don't always agree with you, but I do realize you do care about this area and sadly we both know you know alot more about it than some of those who live here. It's also obvious you have some history with some of the people you get into it with.

You have always been respectful towards me even when we disagree. Some of the people I respect like Frank you don't, that's okay. I'm not going to think or feel differently about you. Sometimes I wish you'd tone it down a tiny bit but? You're different than I am, you could very well wish I'd be more of a bitch at times - (lol)

Ben's ignoring me for some reason, but oh well blogging goes on. I caught the semi invitation for "someone" to citizen journalist it but I don't think he appreciates my sense of humor.

With me not being a democrat or a republican I get just as frustrated as you do at times with the way such stupid things are done here. At times my first thought is some of these politicians need to remember who they represent. Political party aside, some of this petty bs does nothing more than drag this area down and we don't need that. Not living in Toledo it's very frustrating for me too, since I'm right here and we have to deal with what they do. They can make or break this region....I'm tired of them trying to break it, this area has so much potential.

Sides I have to like you, you're going to be King and I'm going to be Queen then? Look out USA - lol

Brian Maxson said...

You know the saying, "You can take the boy out of the 'hood, ya just can't take the hood out of the boy."

I know Frank cares. To be honest, I think Frank is the ONLY "A" teamer with sincere ambitions to do the right thing, yet his judgements are clouded by towing the company line. He'll ALWAYS vote Democrat over what's right, and once he get's his head around "When you sleep with dogs, don't be surprised to wake up with fleas", he'll be in fine shape.

The genius known as Ben has excluded an age group because we're damaged goods. I just don't have what it takes to be affiliated with a political party. It's not only a waste of time, but the line has blurred so badly between the two, you could walk down a hallway, say "hi" to someone and be a Republican, yet go outside and say "hi" to someone else and be a Democrat.

Thanks for the time and stay warm up there. I've been to the beach these last couple of days and I'm trying to tan over my "Farmer's Tan". Shame it's going to get down into the upper 30's this weekend, migght have to turn the heating on again. *sigh* such is life, eh?
