Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Teenagers are virus magnets

I'd like to say the reason I haven't blogged today is because I was busy having so much fun that I just didn't get a chance to today. That would be a lie. Having had one computer die this week I got old the old used to be "ever faithful" backup monster that still has ME. I assumed that one would be okay until I had a chance to change the power supply and the fan on the one that died.

Granted, it was my fault for not making sure the virus protection was totally up to date. This computer hasn't been online for well over a year so it was fine until before. I updated windows and wrongly assumed one night of letting her AIM to her hearts content wouldn't do anything. I use AVG and I knew the one on that pc while it told me was updated wasn't the latest version anymore.

HA! She started complaining this pc was a POS. Well okay it is but that wasn't the problem. I updated the virus protection, and so far? We are at 32 different combinations of viruses/trojans.

Oh well, it keeps me on my toes and refreshes my skills as to how to get around ME. And yes it gives me something to complain



Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

Today, my anti-virus software intercepted DOZENS of Trojans/Viruses.

I don't think you can blame this one on teenagers...

(As much as I'd like to.)

It's just what's going around.

Unknown said...

shhhh It's her fault...


Mine has been remarkably quiet today but then I haven't been on much today either.

Cyberseaer said...

Blame the teenager. They don't know nothin' anyhow. That or blame the hamsters. Yes, I am Cyberseaer The Virtual Hamter Hater (CTVHH). Death to the Vitrtual Hamsters. BTW, what was the final vote on the fate of those cyber rodents? I would check, but I am way too lazy.

As for the teenager's comment about the computer, it reminds me of J from Men In Black. "All this highly advanced alien technology and we're driving in a Ford POS."

Unknown said...

Well mr hamster hater...

11 of you hated the little bastards and wanted them to die

1 didn't like the spinning one

3 people were ambivalent about them

3 people said the loved the hamsters and

5 people said MORE hamsters every day

So, that makes 11 wanting them to die and? 11 who didn't care or loved them and 1 vote against the spinny that would be 12 against the spinning hamster and 12 saving the other two.

The voting is closed so nooo more votes will count - bad thing about pollhost is they don't give you a way to end it without deleting the whole poll.

So, since the majority has spoken about poor mr spinning hamster? He has been (sniff sniff) taken off and replaced with mr happy jumping hamster instead.


Unknown said...

I wasn't paying attention today since I wasn't on much but just checked my visitor numbers

9,967 - so sometime tonight or tomorrow? the tada moment I blogged about Sunday.


Unknown said...

While I'm bitching, rather than waste a new thread...I really wanted to see Juan Cole at UT tonight, hopefully Mike went so he can fill me in on all I missed.

Couldn't find anyone who would drive me...I hate not being able to drive at night.


historymike said...

Yes, it was an excellent lecture from Juan Cole.

I'll post an entry tomorrow; the Nazis and a few other stories are keeping me busy today.

My teenagers are the world's worst virus/adware/malware magnets. I have to run Adaware and Spybot several times a week.

They got a really wicked virus on our main PC (we have 4 including my laptop) through AIM. An unsolicited AIm message came in with an attachment that read: "Beach Pictures."

When they opened it, we got hit with this virus that turned the PC into an email drone, and also wiped out the antivirus programs, Task Manager, and Regedit. Talk about an f****d-up computer.

Unknown said...

We got hit with that same one Mike, on our old Gateway. Yes that was a mess. I hate Instant Messaging it is one of the banes of my existance with teenagers. However, you have me beat in that department. My five to your ten.

I don't envy you when it comes to what your tech support duties require.

I can't wait to read your thoughts on Juan Cole. bad we can't pod cast that kind of thing.