Wednesday, October 12, 2005

For those looking for Hackett and the blogosphere history?

Excellent article by Mother Jones, with a curtsy to
Ohio 2nd.

There will you discover not only that Paul Hackett is hot, lol but alot of information about what happened and who were the key players. Also what is obvious is who was absent...


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

Very informative ;-)

It's almost to the point that blogs and blogging have arrived as a campaign tool.

Now, if Hackett is sucessful and his success can be credited to blogs and blogging, then every derned politician will "discover" blogging.

Heaven help us!

The birth of political BlogSpam...

Unknown said...

That's a valid worry HT, since blogging is proving to be successful at not only getting a name out there but fundraising it's either going to be used alot more or? Will hit a plateau because there are only a limited number who will donate.

I think that article also illustrates that the democratic establishment isn't interested in new exciting candidates. They are more interested in the status quo, even if they know they will not win.