Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Some Morning Tidbits

Should Jack Ford use the riots as a campaign tool? The Police Union doesn't think so. Ford supporters are trying to say the Police Union is responding because of Carty, but I don't think so and I think it is demeaning to try to imply that the Police would not ojbect unless told to by Carty. Will Carty's taking the high road and Jack the low road make a difference? Personally given alot of the feeling from those I've talked to about the riots, if I were Jack Ford I would not be bringing that up.

Mrs. McConnell Hanocock gets a free pass from the Toledo Blade. Despite all of their claims of demanding a higher standard? A major fluff piece about her that doesn't mention any of the ethical concerns.

Contrast that with Dave Schulz's piece in the Blade from yesterday. It should be obvious but I'll hint..(((GOOOO DAVE!!))))

It seems as if City Law Director Barb Herring has no problem stating Mark Sobczak will have to abstain from a few votes that are union related. Interesting that minor little tidbit gets mentioned yet? KMH's ethical lapses don't and the different idea of what "term limits" really mean.

Personally I wish the Blade would just quit pretending and say "We like him/her, so anything he/she does wrong we will later downplay after the obligatory shame shame moment, BUT him/her, sorry we don't want them so whatever we can use? We'll keep using it".

Could they at least attempt some balance?

Jonathan over at Crush Liberalism has a really good post on Rosa Parks, rather than write one here? I recommend his.


Aaron said...

I'll second that, GO DAVE!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Aaron and Lisa. I was very happy with the profile. These are fluff pieces so that's why they gloss over some of their problems. This has been the case with most of them except for a small mention on McCloskey and Sobczak.

I appreciate your support.


Jonathan said...

Thanks for the kind words and the trackback, Lisa. :)

Unknown said...

No problem Jonathan, it was very well written and when I can't compete? Trackback!


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

"Personally I wish the Blade would just quit pretending and say "We like him/her, so anything he/she does wrong we will later downplay after the obligatory shame shame moment, BUT him/her, sorry we don't want them so whatever we can use? We'll keep using it"."

What? You want JRB to come right out and SAY something?

Surely you're not serious.

JRB (a.k.a. the weenie) prefers the subtle approach, as in, innuendo and obtuse quasi-truths.

Influence puppet master style.

Unknown said...

Ht, you know how I love to tilt at the windmills...


And sometimes dream....