Monday, October 24, 2005

Daniel quits blogging

Most of you that come here on a regular basis have seen "All the King's Horses" linked on the sidebar and some of you have not only visited Daniel's blog but linked him on yours as well.

I understand why he has stopped blogging but I will miss him and continue to hope he gets home from Iraq soon so that he and Holly can start their lives together. Daniel is a fantastic writer and I have learned alot from him. Thank you Daniel....


Scott G said...

Did he get busted or something? Last post sounds kinda rehearsed

Unknown said...

They've been pressuring him so I think he got tired of it. That and where they moved him to his internet access was cut.

I'm taking that last post as his way of being sarcastic given what's happened.

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

That shouldn't be allowed to happen in any truly free country.

Even the "occupied" ones...

Scott G said...

I figured that out after I read more of the blog.

The military is different. You need to have some type of restrictions on speech because unit morale supercedes liberty. I didn't like many of the restrictions and often said things that put me in a position for legal action against me, but I always had a good idea of where to stop before I got into serious trouble.

Criticism is fine, but dissent in the ranks can cost lives. I think th emilitary is going overboard now with limits on speech, but I think that is more political than tactical. If troops start to be allowed to express discontent, the public will follow.

historymike said...

Yes, it sounds like he was forced to put that middle section in.

Unknown said...

Being stop lossed once was hard for him to take, but when they extended him again? I think that was the final straw for him, especially when they sent a unit home that got there after they did.

Personally if the military doesn't want soliders feeling disgruntled maybe they should at least be upfront with these guys when this stuff happens.

Scott G said...

I don't really feel a lot of sympathy for people mad at the stop loss. I don't think it is right or fair, but it is what people signed up for. I also think that most people know what could happen, they just choose to believe that it won't. Then, when it does it is harder to take.

Of course, I didn't get stop lossed or recalled. So I can't say I wouldn't feel the same

Unknown said...

I think after you've been told three or four different dates as to when you are leaving and it keeps getting extended? You have the right to be pissed. Most of the problems I see would have been solved with some honesty. You can't keep telling people when they are going home then changing it and not have them not only get disgruntled but stop believing anything you tell them.

Then? cut off their internet and tell them they have to watch what they write. Amazingly then they wonder why less are re-upping or want to sign up which then makes those who are there? Stopp lossed longer.... a never ending cycle....

Scott G said...

I think less should re-up. I also think that although it may be justified to be pissed, noone has the right to be pissed after they sign up. Too many people don't read the contract or actually think about what it says. It says over and over that everything you agree to is trumped by needs of the Army, Marines,...

I could have been called back and if I would have been, I imagine that I would have been pissed. But, I also understood that no matter what a recruiter told me or what I wanted to believe, that was what I had signed

Unknown said...

Stop loss wasn't something that was done alot, but I agree the fine print is important. I think most of those that have been stop lossed understand the reasons behind it, they are just tired of having it be extended after the first time.

We experienced "verbal vs written" personally, Walter who is like my second son was told if he re-upped he'd stay in Germany. He did, and ended up in Iraq. Granted he was not there anywhere near as long as Daniel has been (He's in the Air Force) but once you sign up no matter what they tell you verbally, you really don't have alot of choice.
Walter's back in Germany now, but it looks like he's going back to Iraq again last I heard.