Friday, October 14, 2005

A new webtoy for me...

As some of you might have noticed in the sidebar, yes, Liberal Common Sense has been ranked as "76% Good". I had the option selecting the one that said I was "24% Evil" but that didn't seem like a high enough number of evilness to brag about. Then of course the whole symbolism of using the cross for the "good" and the pentagram for the "evil" but that would be making this serious rather than fun. Granted I could have probably had more fun with the pentagram since I'd have people ask me if I was a witch...and it is October after all. I could have gone into the whole family history of relatives of mine who lived in Salem during the witch trials (no none of them were witches either) and how I've always wanted to go visit Salem. Yet see I can still do that without using that one (yes I am just so creative today!).

Even I was surprised by my "Goodness". Frankly it must be the hamsters since all of us besides the Hamster haters know that goodness surely follows the hamsters. (Except for the poor spinning hamster that the slight majority of you hated).

I would comment more on some of the hamster haters, yes, you know who you are. However some of you are probably not happy after last night's Survivor and I am not the type to rub salt in wounds.

While we are on the topic of Good and Evil something funny happened this morning. Aubrey asked me last night if she could take Erin's Ipod to school today so she could listen to music on the bus because they had a field trip. I said of course "NOOO WAY" because the last thing I wanted was for Aubrey to lose it or have someone steal it and have Erin complain about that forever and day. (Even though supposedly Erin said it was okay, I do not have confirmation on that theory). So this morning I get up, Aubrey gets ready for school, she leaves to walk to the bus and I notice.....the Ipod is MISSING!! Thankfully she was still in sight so I call her back, walk down the stairs and reclaim the Ipod. She stated "I thought you were going to walk me to the bus so I was going to give it you then". Yeah right and I have swampland to sell you.

Moral of the story? Why do they bother to try this stuff since they always get busted?



Anonymous said...

Asian, angry and amusing
What are you so angry about, Mr. Angry Asian Man? Phil Yu laughs heartily. "People ask me that question all the time," says Yu, a 27-year-old Korean-American who has graced us with, a personal ...
Hey, you have an impressive blog here! Excellent job. I have a Cosmetic Contact Lenses site. It pretty much covers Cosmetic Contact Lenses related stuff.

Come and check it out when you get time :-)

Unknown said...

hmm, I normally kill spam immediately, but this one is almost funny.

and and look! he/she used the :-)

Unknown said...

I've also been having fun finding out how many of my blogging friends far? Some of you are more evil than me, one of you ties with me as far as goodness but? So one is higher than my "level" of goodness.


Unknown said...

(((HUGS))) faith...glad you could get on

:-) is def a smiley happy face

Cyberseaer said...

Oh, ha ha. Just to let you know, some of us lost 25 bucks due to last night's Survivor vote and lost the chance for $350. But he was annoying anyway. The next to go must be Amy, the Boston cop who likes to use the word f--k, but I wouldn't with her. Yuck.

Good news hear in Northern NJ, the rain has taken a break and the local rivers have not crest. So some flooding could be avoided, but more on the way later tonight and tomorrow. Get the lumber. Looks like the ark may need a refit. ;)

Unknown said...

I wondered if you were going to see that - lol I'm sorry about the lost chance to win $350.00, I would have rather seen Brian go, think that was a mistake but? They don't listen to me.

I'm glad the rain is stopping though, hopefully no more houses will be destroyed.

Unknown said...

The older bunch might have done that but? Erin and Aubrey especially pale in comparison to the sneakiness ability. Proof? As soon as I yelled out for her this morning? She knew immediately what it was about. The older ones? Would have stalled better.


Cyberseaer said...

She is not mean. Possibly cruel at times, but not mean. And what's wrong with violently searching a teenager's room? If there is probable cause, and there always is for a teenager, then going through their things is fine. My parents did it to me when I was that age. Sure I was pissed, but I got over it and now it's my turn to do the same to my children.

Hey, let us remember that a teenager is not an adult and does not have the full responsiblities, thus they do not have the full rights as well. If the parent is responsible for the actions of his children, then he, or she, has the right to make sure that the children do not do, or have, things that will violate the public safety. When the children tell the parents what to do, then the household is out of control and then the children will not become productive members of society due to the dysfunctal nature of the household.

Before this gets way off topic, the rain is done in NJ. The sun is out and the rivers are going down. Hopefully we can go through the next ten days or so without rain.

Anonymous said...

"Why do they bother to try this stuff since they always get busted?"

It's because they know that one of these days they're going to beat the odds and get away with it. Oh, and like you never did anything you weren't supposed to? LOL!!

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

"Why do they bother to try this stuff since they always get busted?"

That's their job as kids.

Our job as parents is to catch them.

It is difficult.

It also seems to me that each generation steps the eternal struggle up a notch though. ;-)
