Friday, October 14, 2005

The final countdown to Saturday!

Yes, I'm talking about the NSM demonstration (Or Nazi's for those that don't know who the NSM is) coming to Toledo this Saturday. Here's your chance to vote in an exclusive Liberal Common Sense Poll.

How many NSM members and supporters will show up Saturday?

Free polls from


Unknown said...

Right from the offset...Bill White has the lead!

Hmmm maybe we should work on our very own "We love Bill" T-shirt..


DBK said...

You could have had "Both of them" as a poll answer too.

Unknown said...

uuu...very good g.d.

Next time I'm asking you for suggestions!


Cyberseaer said...

UUUmMmmmmmm.....I'm sorry I just woke up, Hitler's coming to town? Oh, ok, I'm going back to sleep, then I'm building my ark. 6 straight days and nights of rain in NJ.

Unknown said...

I saw that on the news last night, you guys are getting hit. Some of those towns are really getting flooded. Hopefully you are on higher ground.


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...


Are we counting the sock-puppets separately, or does one Nazi in grease paint, slap shoes, a big red nose and wearing two sock puppets all count as one?

I would have chosen "both of them" too, depending on the answer to the question above ;-)

Unknown said...

I think to help increase their publicity we should count any sockpuppets individually. I'd also point out I seriously doubt anyone will be wearing make up tomorrow because they are to be in full uniform and that white pancake make up is a bitch to get off of brown shirts. From my understanding that only happens at the less "formal" events.


Unknown said...

(insert news ticker sound)

Well every category is now tied up...

I feel bad though, I should have mentioned Mark Martin...I hope I didn't hurt his feelings.


Unknown said...

Well....6 votes for Hoardes of them

5 for what you can count on fingers and toes...

2 are fans of Bill

2 went with the Huh? Who?

Sorry Bill, I thought for sure you would be the winner.
