It was touted often during the presidential campaign that this nation was more center/to the right and some believed this would help John McCain and Sarah Palin, it's obvious that didn't happen, but what did happen last night in California was a majority of voters banned same sex marriage and agreed to more controls on abortion.
This confirms that even in California, which is deemed to be the whole "the left coast" there are more people who do not believe in equal rights to marriage and who are willing to place stricter parental guidelines in place for a minor to have an abortion. Both of these positions are in direct conflict with those who consider themselves to be to the left/progressive.
In Arkansas, Gay couples are no longer allowed to adopt, that was passed by a large margin. In Colorado, ending Affirmative Action is too close to call but a measure declaring life begins at conception did not pass, it would have basically ended abortion in Colorado. Florida banned gay marriage. Nebraska voted to end affirmative action. South Dakota failed in making almost all abortions illegal. Arizona also banned gay marriage but they still want to be able to hire illegal immigrants...
While Michigan passed medical pot usage and is allowing stem cell research and Washington passed allowing doctor assisted suicide, for the most part what we learned yesterday in a good part of our nation, people don't support affirmative action, gay marriage, allowing gays to adopt and they are not willing to end abortion in total but are willing to place more limits on it than currently exist.
For those worried that our nation will take a severe turn to the left? Barring some type of a major change, I don't see that happening...
"For those worried that our nation will take a severe turn to the left? Barring some type of a major change, I don't see that happening..."
A "severe turn to the left" would actually be a means to 'right' the Right's policies. I'm so frustrated with the passage of some of these propositions. However, Prop 2 in California passed, which will go some towards realizing ethics beyond species.
My daughter who lives in California told me that there is already an attempt to have the California same sex marriage ban declared unconstitutional.
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