Wednesday, August 27, 2008

From last night...

Video tribute to Clinton from last night, curtsy to Mountain Sage for the find.

Of course it's now officially over but it's really doubtful that any real change in support has changed. If it has? I'm not seeing it on the blogosphere or in those that I talk to. I was just at the grocery store and the discussion in the check out line was (not started by me) on how the person and the cashier would never vote for Obama, they don't trust him. The guy in line said he was voting Libertarian, the cashier stated he was voting for McCain, that while he wasn't crazy about him, at least McCain didn't scare him the way Obama did.

It should be noted this store is in a primarily Democratic neighborhood...


Anonymous said...

Does anyone know their political history, at all? Clinton vetoed many important bills, many of which the Republicans were trying to pass, one even helped with welfare reform (go look it up). Obviously, G.W. Bush should have vetoed much more than he has, for those who argue. Clinton shut down countless military bases, three of which were in my city, can you say "out of work". It must be easy to lessen the Federal Deficit when you cut spending on our MOST IMPORTANT asset, our military. Come on Dems, your politicians take special interest money just like the Elephants do, get a hold of reality, please.

Anonymous said...

Listen...JFK, RFK and MLK all had great aspirations. But they were cut short because of God's hate of adultery. He hates it so much that He made it one of the Ten Commandments! John McCain is and was an adulterer. The media decided to squash it. Favoritism for McCain obviously. But I have not forgotten. As far as I know, Obama is not an adulterer. God lets us do our thing, campaigning and voting and such and then He gives us who He wants to lead us. Not my words. They are in the Bible! So the chances of McCain becoming president are slim and none because God doesn't like ugly, which adultery is! If McCain were to win as far back as I can remember this would be the first time a known adulterer would be allowed to enter the White House as president.

Anonymous said...

Was your comment actually meant to be serious? Favoritism for McCain, and on the media's part? You obviously are crazy, on both fronts. The only "favoritism" I have seen for McCain would be on Fox news, other than that, it is 100%, 24/7, pro-Obama, duh.

MLE said...

Bill Clinton was a known adulterer when he entered the White House as president. Remember Gennifer Flowers?

Scott G said...

I say that if they can live with the consequences of their vote, they can make a statement by voting for whomever they want. Of course, if their vote is for the winner, they also lose the ability to complain when things they aren't in support of start happening.