Saturday, August 23, 2008

Does Biden create unity? Not so far...

Joe Biden is Not a Progressive on Crime Issues

Given the Obama Rules, Biden Was The Best Choice Politically

Analysis: Biden picks reveals lack of confidence, change of course, in Obama camp

Did Biden want the job or not?

Biden known for slips of the tongue

And one of the harshest comments comes from Melissa on Shakesville Veepstakes:
Okay, this has got to be a joke, right? The DNC is just fucking with the press, who's dumb enough to fall for the suggestion that Joe Fookin' Biden is "believed to be at the top of" Obama's veep shortlist. Because there's no way in blue hell that Obama could be foolish enough to be seriously considering for one blinking second putting on his ticket the speech plagiarizing, bankruptcy bill voting, Bush-coddling, racist, sexist asshat Biden, a consummate gaffe machine who launched his own '08 presidential bid with a screeching dog whistle that declared Obama "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy."

Melissa is still not feeling any love for Biden and some are not buying the reasons for Biden though I actually had to listen because I couldn't believe this was true:
Biden is a Washington outsider because he lives in Delaware and doesn't go to cocktail parties or hang out with lobbyists, though his son is one and he takes money from them.

Nor is there joy over on the Tenessee Guerrilla Women blogsite...

Despite the phrase "lunch bucket guy" that keeps being tossed out there? Not everyone is buying it especially related to lobbyist dollars so I guess it could be said the initial impression? Biden was not a unifying selection...

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