Monday, July 21, 2008

Number of voters believing media helping Obama growing

Read the article from Rasmussen Reports for yourself (curtsy to Boring Made Dull.)
In the latest survey, a plurality of Democrats—37%-- say most reporters try to offer unbiased coverage of the campaign. Twenty-seven percent (27%) believe most reporters are trying to help Obama and 21% in Obama’s party think reporters are trying to help the Republican candidate.

Among Republicans, 78% believe reporters are trying to help Obama and 10% see most offering unbiased coverage.

As for unaffiliated voters, 50% see a pro-Obama bias and 21% see unbiased coverage. Just 12% of those not affiliated with either major party believe the reporters are trying to help McCain.

In a more general sense, 45% say that most reporters would hide information if it hurt the candidate they wanted to win. Just 30% disagree and 25% are not sure. Democrats are evenly divided as to whether a reporter would release such information while Republicans and unaffiliated voters have less confidence in the reporters.

I knew some of my fellow Democrats were idealistic, but I had no idea there were that's hard to believe that 37% could say with a straight face that our media is not biased...Then again, they do seem to believe Obama will bring change so maybe it makes sense after all.

Personally I think the unaffiliated voters are the most interesting category for this particular poll since they are not affected by the natural party bias that can enter into these types of polls.

1 comment:

Cyberseaer said...

So, by the results of this poll, we can assume that the general public sees the media still being left leaning. Of course the reporters will deny that this country has a liberal media, but the people with no party ties seem to disagree. Again, according to this poll and I have no faith in any type of polling whatsoever.