Thursday, June 19, 2008

There is no rape in Darfur...Someone's left reality behind...

The most frustrating thing about following the story of what's happening in Darfur is knowing that very little has improved. Many of the same things being stated now are needed to make things better have been stated for the past several years.

Ridiculous statements made like the one by said Mohammad Hassan Awad, a Humanitarian Aid Commissioner for West Darfur "There is no rape in Darfur," give a tiny clue into how difficult it is to address this as a problem.

As this recent CNN article points out rape has gotten to the point there where men do not even accompany their wives or daughters so that they are not killed or harmed while trying to prevent a rape. Which points to another issue, this demonstrates the men have been beaten down to the point where they allow this to happen.

Even four years ago, the problem of rape and women having babies born from a rape being mistreated by their own people was well reported. As well as the denial from the government that this was happening.

Personally having more women UN officials to "educate" women on rape is going to do very little, I have a feeling they already know they have been raped, that it's wrong but given no one will do anything about it, all of the education in the world on rape is not going to make their lives better...

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