Friday, June 27, 2008

Internet as an organizing tool for dissent is creating concern

Democratic leaders insist -- and polls indicate -- that the vast majority of Clinton supporters, including women, already have flocked to Obama or eventually will. But the effectiveness of the Internet as an organizing tool for dissent is creating concern and uncertainty about the scope and intensity of those unwilling to fall in line.

Interesting choice of verbage selected in the WaPo that bears a repeat:

those unwilling to fall in line...I couldn't help but think of this quote from Elizabeth Cady Stanton:

The moment we begin to fear the opinions of others and hesitate to tell the truth that is in us, and from motives of policy are silent when we should speak, the divine floods of light and life no longer flow into our souls.

Maybe they should be concerned...


T. F. Stern said...

There is hope for you yet...

Anonymous said...

Were those WaPo's words or the DNC's words? Not that it matters much. I imagine the DNC is as authoritarian on the potential for 'rebels' to derail their carefully orchestrated love fest as the GOP.

Unknown said...

Yes, TF, the more rebellious side of me has been re-awoken.


Kvatch, it appears to be a summary of a statement rather than a direct quote anyone wanted to have their name attributed to.

Having recently experienced some of the authoritarian attempts to get me "in line" I'd agree with you that it's felt as if I was living in Oceania rather than Ohio.