Sunday, January 06, 2008

Kucinich may not win but at least he holds firm to his values...

Willie Nelson thinks so too...What will the courts say remains to be seen The lawsuit says that Kucinich was informed by the Texas Democratic Party last Wednesday that his application was "defective" because he crossed out a loyalty oath in the application that said he would swear to support whoever the Democratic nominee for president might be.
Kucinich, a congressman from Ohio, also wants the court to declare that the oath requirement violates the First Amendment and the 14th Amendment in the Constitution.

"He's right to challenge a blind loyalty oath to the Democratic Party because it's un-American," Willie Nelson said in a news release from the Kucinich campaign.

Sure he could lie like so many other candidates do and claim he'll support someone that he could potentially disagree with on key issues but I have to hand it to him for sticking to what he believes in. It's being stated that the case will be argued on January 11th.

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