Sunday, October 14, 2007

Washington Post reporter murdered in Iraq...

I opted for a different title for my post than the one the Washington Post selected, Washington Post Correspondent Dies in Iraq because the reality is Salih Saif Aldin was murdered, he was shot at close range in the forehead from the newspapers own reports.

The story of what he went through to report the news, should make everyone pause for a moment when it comes to what these journalists go through to try to bring the news and the truth to us. At least 118 journalists have been killed in Iraq, how many more will die before this is over would be to ask the same question as to how many US soldiers will die, how many more innocent Iraqis will die, how many more terrorists will die and the only real answer to that is no one knows.

I don't know how updated this list is, but it is stated it's one of journalists currently in Iraq and the Middle with the request that you keep them in your hearts and prayers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mullah cimoc say on sunday , October 14, him ameriki get education in the fake independent usa news media.

the morning show fox tv, talk it wench mara liason for brain washand control brain of all him ameriki to this:

democrat person is ua now all must to agree if "precipitious" withdrawal from iraq him usa troop from war crime consequences too horrible so must continue war for many year to coming. in the trade this to call him "brain chip implant".

then it wench point out current top three democrat president candidate all to say keep usa troop to iraq even to year 2013, the minimum.

this to preparing brain of democrat ameriki for hillary clinton become president but never to
stopping him war crime in iraq. ameriki now seeing idea from right wing mighty wurlitzer propaganda operation becoming adopt and implement by left wing usa fake news media example npr radio and the wench mara liason. (similiar when spanish civil war leftist kill him former brother when hitler and stalin make pact). in english call political expediency. in pashtu call betray.

am israeli intel usa media operations common thread account for the usa left and right both having the want kill the muslim and the war crime? even though just one year ago all democrat against war for get the victory election.

both him ameriki party to be control by mossad agent, like "a man called intrepid" by william stevenson, this for ameriki all to keep the kill and hate muslim think.

him muslim wanting ameriki waking up because him muslim sad when see ameriki man each day the suffer when daughter woman take the LBT (low back tattoo), wife go the lesbian and man kick out the house to live in car with not the one cent of money. even the son the gay homosexual. this a kind of the punish for eating too many cheese nacho and take the sex pill but not the thinking with him brain.

ameriki need asking self. who really to be run ameriki antiwar organizations to never be effective but only to divert effort and the money. sound like intel black op? Yes.