Wednesday, September 05, 2007

How the topic of Hawaii Real Estate started...

The other day I was riding the bus from my home to downtown Toledo to meet a friend for coffee at my favorite coffee house. I take the bus often and sometimes the bus drivers are the more surly type and sometimes they are more friendly. The bus driver I had was very chatty and when the topic turned to how long he had been a bus driver he shared he had a few years left to go then he planned to move from this area. He stated he had already started looking at Hawaii real estate and that was where he was going to spend his retirement years.

It was obvious in talking to him that he had spent quite a bit of time doing his research on the real estate aspect of his dream retirement home. He knew exactly what he wanted. He did not however seem very net savvy so I gave him some general tips and advice and told him that he might find reading a real estate blog or two very helpful in helping him with his search. So, not only was it a fun bus ride downtown, but I helped someone learn a bit more about how the internet could help him not only find his true dream home but get relocation tips and more.

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