Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Gas Prices make big jump...

Here in Toledo they rose 25 cents over night, and it appears we are not alone though I wouldn't be complaining about a 2.5 cent increase per gallon that some of the other parts of the country are experiencing. It really makes me wonder why we experienced that huge of an increase...

I again suggest that the easiest way to lower gas prices is to end these designer or "boutique" fuel formulations. Develop three set gas formulations and then prices would drop because there would be less shut down times or switch overs to create huge number of designer fuels for specific areas of the country. If a state wants it's own special fuel formulation? Build your own refinery and make it yourself...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was surprised, too. Should have filled up after my run to Milwaukee, but I was tired and then it jumped.

Can't win either way.

Psst. Don't give Doyle ideas!