Friday, May 18, 2007

And in Palestine...

We once again demonstrate that it doesn't matter what the voters of another country decide, it is up to The US and Israel to "help" make changes that they want.

So a few more people die...
JERUSALEM, May 17 -- Israel this week allowed the Palestinian party Fatah to bring into the Gaza Strip as many as 500 fresh troops trained under a U.S.-coordinated program to counter Hamas, the radical Islamic movement that won Palestinian parliamentary elections last year. Fighting between Hamas and Fatah has left about 45 Palestinians dead since Sunday.

The troops' deployment illustrates the increasingly partisan role that Israel and the Bush administration are taking in the volatile Palestinian political situation. The effort to fortify the armed opposition to Hamas, which the United States and Israel categorize as a terrorist organization, follows attempts to isolate the radical Islamic movement internationally and cut off its sources of financial aid.

And in Israel, claims being made that Israel is helping Fatah (which realistically is true) are being declared as dismissed as absurd by a Fatah spokesman. Let's hope most people in Palestine don't read the US newspapers...else it would be pretty hard to continue the argument that Israel and the US are not giving Fatah a helping hand.


Scott G said...

That is why elections are only valid if the person you want wins. I doubt that if al Sadr was elected PM of Iraq, we would not have tried to bring him down with a swiftness and certainty that kept others we oppose from becoming involved in the government of "their" country

Unknown said...

You are probably right, that's exactly what would have happened. I think what bugs me the most is that it's obvious that the US and Israel are doing this yet in Haartez Fatah denys it.

historymike said...

"Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain."

Wizard of Oz