Thursday, March 08, 2007

While I'm kvetching about bedrooms...

My charming daughter who as we now know, no longer wants the pink bedroom, has also created a situation where I've started looking for kids bedding. I'm seriously contemplating painting the walls a neutral color as was my first instinct, that way when she wants to change colors again, it's a just a matter of changing the decorative items rather than to have to go thru the whole painting episode again. However, I am really, really, glad I didn't do what she originally stated she walls...


1 comment:

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

My son wanted black walls...

Now, my computer room has, you guessed it, black walls...

That's why I'm in the family room typing this ;-)

P.S. My daughters room is pink and purple. . .
It's now the cat's room.