Monday, March 12, 2007

Murder they blogged? Well...kind of...

The title of the Time article entitled, "Murder, They Blogged", is kind of misleading, it gives you the impression that 17 year old Bryan Grove and 15 year old Tess Damm openly plotted on their MySpace pages to murder Damm's mother. As is often being done with MySpace and later crimes, after the fact it's analyzed and then stated to have provided clues or hints, when it doesn't give any evidence that a murder was really plotted online to the point where anyone coming across these pages would have known or could have prevented it.

Part of this is I think the media's anti-blog sentiment, where they want to find reasons to point out the worst in blogging rather than any benefit. Logical because of the relationship with the media and blogs at time but having seen too many situations where MySpace accounts of someone who has died or committed a crime becomes a focus it comes off as more of a gawker situation where people hunt down the MySpace pages...We had this happen recently here in Toledo where a 15 year old who killed a policeman and people tracked down his and the 19 year old that was with him's MySpace pages...


Scott G said...

As long as the MSM also looks at its own roles in crimes and its coverage of them. Like copy cat killings or kids planning to shoot up their high schools. The coverage of Columbine gave many kids ideas

Unknown said...

You want them to be responsible? It's much easier to blame blogging.

(excellent point though)


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

"...the media's anti-blog sentiment,"

What anti-blog sentiment?

Wait a second, perhaps I exclude the MSM from my life, except for certain specific local stories, I pretty much ignore the MSM, so that may be why I misses this sentiment/bias ;-)