Saturday, December 16, 2006

Bayh was in and is now out...

Suprising move and really I think too early but, Sen. Evan Bayh has announced he is not going to run for president in 2008 according to this Washington Post article:

"Due to circumstances beyond our control, the odds were longer than I felt I could responsibly pursue," Bayh said in a statement yesterday. "It wasn't an easy decision, but it was the right one for my family, my friends and my state."

I would have rather had Bayh than Obama...Looks like the only candidate who stands a chance as an alternative to Hillary Clinton is going to be John Edwards.

Who by the way has a very good website at:

One America Committee



Unknown said...

Interesting Blog that has some further info.


Scott G said...

I think it will come down to Edwards and Obama in the end. Hillary has the money and sources to stay close, but I think Edwards and Obama can do more to inspire the grassroots and beat Hillary as the Party favorite. I also like Wesley Clark and I think everything changes if Gore runs, but who knows what he will do.

Unknown said...

I hope it's not Obama...

Scott G said...

I know, but I still like him. She just needs a kick ass chief of staff. One who is intelligent, witty, attractive, and modest. Maybe someone like me

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

You know, when someone like Bayh explores the possibility and decides to say that his odds are too long to consider a run, you have to have increased respect for him. It almost makes you wish that someone like Evan was still running.

It seems as thought nut cases are the last to catch on that they can't win and shouldn't run.

I too think that Evan started too soon and decided to get out too soon too.