Monday, October 16, 2006

Want a visit from the Postie Patrol?

Not only is payperpost a way to make some extra money but with the forum and the blog there is a whole community spirit that is a part of this. This latest idea of creating the Postie Patrol demonstrates this. Watch the video and you can see what happened and if Victor walked away with a nice cash prize.

Will you open your door one day and see Ted standing there? Only way for that to happen is to head on over to payperpost and join in the fun.

Let's hope Ted likes animals if he decides to head for Toledo, where I have more than just a fish. Infact, see Ted, they are looking for you right now. :-)


Unknown said...

Thanks, if that doesn't work one of us should try luring Ted with food...


Anonymous said...

Funny! Very creative idea!

ted murphy said...

That was awesome. Love the dog : )