Monday, October 16, 2006

On Tuesday the 300 millionth American will be born at 7:46 a.m

That really made me stop and think when I read this CNN article, reflecting on how technology has changed in my lifetime.

I remember when we were the first family on our block to get a color tv, I remember when typewriters were manual and then the thrill of them not only being electric but later having the ability to use self correction tape.

I remember not long ago when our Webtv was faster than the computer we had to use to get online.



Cyberseaer said...

Damn woman, you're old. Though I'm not too far behind. Color TVs and self correction taped eletric typewriters were the norm when I was hatched.

Unknown said...

Yes, I am older than dirt...


Scott G said...

I always liked using my Grandpa's old typewriter. And it wasn't Lisa old, it was like Herbert Hoover old.

Unknown said...

Thanks, at least I know I am not Herbert Hoover old.


Anonymous said...

I got linked on a liberal blog!! I was excited till I saw it was under ppposties. Oh well, I'll keep blogging and maybe I'll move up!

Thx for the link, and I'll be sure to add you as well.

Scott G said...

You are not much older than I am. When I was finishing my degree after the Army, I was alive for 3 more presidents than the rest of my class.

Don't worry Teresa. I don't get linked on most liberal sites. I think it is because most liberals are wankers. I feel the same about conservatives too because I am all for equal treatment

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

Weren't televisions always color???

I looked up typewriter in an ancient technology encyclopedia and it said that they would actually propel hammer-like things at the paper to imprint the letters through a ribbon of inked cloth.

Golly gee, you must be old.
