Sunday, October 15, 2006

A great site for those who do their own appliance repair

I don't know about you but I always try to fix things myself first unless it deals with something that I know is out of my realm of expertise. When something breaks the first thing I do is search on the internet to see what information I can discover and if anyone has had the same problem/experience. Not only can you purchase appliance parts from Appliance Parts Pros but they offer something you don't often see, free live chat during the week and have a "browse by appliance type" section for those times when you aren't sure what model number you have and don't feel like dragging said appliance out.

While I don't have anything that's broken right now, I did check out their Repair tips section to see if it looked like it would be helpful. Also worth pointing out is Appliance Parts Pro consistently scores high with customers as can be seen thru Bizrate.

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