Sunday, October 15, 2006

The Dolphins don't win and Monday night football blues

I don't often get to watch the Dolphins play on tv, especially now that Monday Night football isn't offered on regular tv anymore and we don't have cable tv. So, I was looking foward today.

I haven't posted much about my disgust over the whole moving Monday night football to ESPN because it was our choice to not have cable or satellite tv. Yet, there just seems to be something unamerican about not being able to watch Monday night football unless you have some pay service. In a way it's probably a good thing I'm not playing fantasy football this year since it makes the pain of not watching Monday Night football not bad enough for me to want to spend money to watch something that used to be a part of "free airwaves".



Unknown said...

You'd probably be even happier if you figured out the right way to make links Debbie.

If you are going to spam blogs you should learn to link

Good luck in selling your bracelets.


Cyberseaer said...

Well the second half was better than the first half. And, in true Jet fashion, the Jets almost let the Dolphins win instead of closing the deal early on. Joey looked like he woke up from his nap in the 4th quarter and was almost perfect the last nine minutes of the game. But, the Jets win their first home game this year and are on the steady course of being five hundred by season's end. Did you see the sign that said "We were kidding last week"? I thought that was funny.

As for MNF, I agree that it shouldn't have been moved to ESPN. But look at it this way, Sunday Night Football has the better games now and it will be the new football night tradition by next year and Monday Night Football will be the new redheaded stepchild of TV Football.