Tuesday, August 08, 2006

There is a whole subculture side of you tube...

Wow, until last night I had no idea of the whole subculture of almost "video wars" that happens at you tube. I was amazed to discover these horrible videos by this girl called "lonelygirl15" that have gotten over a million views. Granted I'm not a teenager nor am I a teenage or pre-teenage boy but a million views of this?

I'm sorry but I have to agree that Lazydork is better than her...

I also have to wonder about the future of America...

ps...anyone that actually sat thru the whole lonelygirl video deserves kudos for surviving that experience...



Cyberseaer said...

About lonelygirl. She is either a very bad filmmaker (of course she is)with a very bad sense of comedy is ro she is a controlling p syco bitch that needs more attention than any boy frined can give her. Saw the whole three and a half minutes to see how bad this was. It was like watching any SNL skit from the last 17 years; long and not funny.
I will not be watching anymore of the loneltgirl series and I hope for the boy that he ran to a galaxy far far away for his own protection and sanity. Does the question of her being lonely really need to be ask?
I saw 15 seconds of Lazydork and then tapped out and scubbed my brain to be rid of that crap.

What ever happened to teenagers just having sex in thioer rooms when not being watched by parents? Those were the good old days.

Teenagers communicate with more people without any soical skills or filters. Society is raising a bunch of mindless drones that will create more whit noise than ever before. This is why people under the age of 25, in my opinion and observations, do not excerise manners such as saying thank you for a door being held for them. Old people in my area don't do it as well, but they are worrying too much about dying to be polite. Yes, I do see the irony of me typing about personal social interaction on an internet blog.

Can we get back to fun topics like the Middle East and why noone in the US politcal system is compentant enough to lead this nation. Maybe the future generations will have IM summits and will results with "Gaad, you are so not kewl you people in the Europe thingy!" and the hit the irgore button.

Cyberseaer said...

Before anyone can comment, I suck at spelling and grammer. Blogger really needs to have a spell and grammer checker. It sucks when I hit the publish button instead of the preview button first.

What can I say? I'm a computer geek not an English teacher.

Unknown said...

You mean you don't think that Lazydork is better than loneygirl?

hehehe -

I do agree with you on the social interaction. I had to remind Erin yesterday when she was talking to a prospective boss for an interview to say "yes" not "yeah".

I know I did stupid things as a teenager but I was not stupid enough to video tape them.


Unknown said...

I agree with you on the blogger spell check - and I'm so happy to see you have some extra net time to be here that I'll harrass you on the grammar stuff later.


Anonymous said...

That's not very nice cyberseaer, my mom brought up all of us to say thank you when somebody opened a door for us.

In any case, I laughed a lot to Lazydork especially after watching a few of the Lonelygirl episodes...

Eh, I'd just say give her a break. I am 99% positive she is "acting" in it, just trying to produce a film... and just trying to start her own internet sitcom/drama... like Dawson's Creek, you know :-)

Never take the internet too seriously.

Anonymous said...

Lisa Renee,
Your blog entry said it all. Nuff said!!!

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

Lazydork and Lonelygirl have one thing in common, they both suck.

As to whuch sucks most, I'll leave that to those that can stomach more that 20 seconds of Lazygirl.

At least, Lazydork had some music and at some minimal level, was almost entertaining.

Lisa, you have my sympathies, for exposing yourself to this.

Cyberseaer said...

I'm sorry Emily. Your mom is one of the few moms to train (yes I said train) her children right.

As for lonelygirl's storytelling. It sucks.