Saturday, March 11, 2006

Yeeeouch! Tagged by Cindy...

1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18 and find line 4.

Dick Francis, "Come to Grief", "Give me the address," he said briefly. "We are on our way."

2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can, what do you find? The wall.

3. What is the last thing you watched on TV? Local News

4. Without looking, guess what time it is. 9:00 a.m.

5. Now look at the clock, what is the actual time? 9:19 a.m.

6. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear? Miguel's rap music (ick)

7. When did you last step outside? What were you doing? Last night, taking the puppy outside.

8. Before you started this survey, what did you look at? Write like she talks and HeightsMom

9. What are you wearing? One of Miguel's T-shirt and undies

10. Did you dream last night? Nope was too tired to dream.

11. When did you last laugh?

A few minutes ago, the puppy decided she wanted to break up a cat fight and both cats chased her instead.

12. What is on the walls of the room you are in?

A clock, several picutures of the moon and the sun and The Perfect Storm (my favorite painting) and a huge wall picture of a haunted looking galleon that belonged to my father.

13. Seen anything weird lately? Every day in this household!

14. What do you think of this quiz? It's better than blogwars!

15. What is the last film you saw? Walk the Line

16. If you turned into a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy? A car that didn't break down every other day.

17. Tell me something about you that I don't know. I like old cemeteries.

18. If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt and politics, what would you do?

Give everyone access to clean drinking water.

19. Do you like to Dance? YES! Especially in my kitchen.

20. George Bush. Can't run for President in 2008.

21. Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her? What I named my second child, Emily.

22. Imagine your first child is a boy, what would you call him? What I named my first son, Corey.

23. Would you ever consider living abroad? Live no? Visit? Yes.

24. What would you want God to say to you when you reach the pearly gates?

"Your dad is waiting for you right over there".

25. 4 people who must also do this theme in their journal.

Let's see...eenie meenie miney moe...catch a blogger by their toe, if they holler tell them..So?

I tag...KrazyKat, Ohio Guy, Drew, and....Stephanie

(who might want to go into comments and select "show original post" since it's impossible to cut and paste from here with the way I have it set up and they can cut and pase it from there)


KraZyKaT said...

I played along!

Mark said...

So did I.

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...


I found this "Give everyone access to clean drinking water." to be the most interesting... and thoughtful ;-)

Unknown said...

Thanks, I have felt that for quite some time and earlier in the day had read a heart breaking story on CNN about an African Farmer who was trying his best but without water his animals were dying.

Just the mere ability to have clean water would have a huge impact on not only people but their ability to provide more for themselves.

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

How true....

Mark said...

Mark tends to answer such questions with plumbing and electricity, plumbing coming first. Getting the dirty out is almost as important as getting the clean in.

Drew Dallons said...

1. > On the File menu, click Save
(from Microsoft Access 97 Step by Step... a great bathroom read)

2. The wall of my cube.

3. Chapelle Show... local.. hmmm probably the weather on 10TV.

4. 9:29AM

5. 9:24AM

6. Alice In Chains-Dirt(currently playing on iTunes through headphones sitting on my desk)

7. About an hour and a half ago, coming into work.

8. (which is how I discovered I had been meme'd)

9. Cargo pants, green buttun up product.... watch... I could go on.

10. I dreamed I went back to my old high school and rejoined the marching band. Really, I did. I didn't have a trumpet to use so some guy gave me this thing that looked like a horn-o-plenty. Then I had to march out on the field with the rest of the band, but I didn't know any of the drill. It was a nightmare.

12. They are cube walls, so it's some wierd beige material that looks like burlap, as shown.

13. The sky got extreeeeemly dark last night around 6:30. That was wierd.

14. It's flipping long!

15. Munich. I didn't think it was that good. Can't wait to see V for Vendetta.

16. Ohio State and Florida State season tickets.

17. My girlfriend and I are Pearl Jam fanatics. We have seen the band 9 times (will be 10 in May) and have spent well over $5000 on PJ related activities in the last 6 years.

18. I would abolish money. Yeah... that's crazy.

19. I love to dance, but according to my g/f I am not very good at it. Embarrasing is the word she used actually.

20. Puppet.

21. I've always been partial to Isabelle.

22. Christopher.

23. Sometimes it soulds like it would be a worth waste of my time here on earth.

24. Wipe your feet before you come in please.

25. I'll...think about it. Hmmm.

Unknown said...

Thank you Drew!
