Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Party Politics win, voters lose choice...

An email I hoped I'd never get....

Dear Lisa,

Today I am announcing that I am withdrawing from the race for United States Senate. I made this decision reluctantly, only after repeated requests by party leaders, as well as behind the scenes machinations, that were intended to hurt my campaign.

But there was no quid pro quo. I will not be running in the Second Congressional District nor for any other elective office. This decision is final, and not subject to reconsideration.

I told the voters from the beginning that I am not a career politician and never aspired to be--that I was about leadership, service and commitment.

Similarly, I told party officials that I had given my word to other good Democrats, who will take the fight to the Second District, that I would not run. In reliance on my word they entered the race. I said it. I meant it. I stand by it. At the end of the day, my word is my bond and I will take it to my grave.

Thus ends my 11 month political career. Although it is an overused political cliché, I really will be spending more time with my family, something I wasn't able to do because my service to country in the political realm continued after my return from Iraq. Perhaps my wonderful wife Suzi said it best after we made this decision when she said "Honey, welcome home." I really did marry up.

To my friends and supporters, I pledge that I will continue to fight and to speak out on the issues I believe in. As long as I have the microphone, I will serve as your voice.

It is with my deepest respect and humility that I thank each and every one of you for the support you extended to our campaign to take back America, and personally to me and my family. Together we made a difference. We changed the debate on the Iraq War, we inspired countless veterans to continue their service by running for office as Democrats and we made people believe again. We must continue to believe.

Remember, we must retool our party. We must do more than simply aspire to deliver greatness; we must have the commitment and will to fight for what is great about our party and our country; Peace, prosperity and the freedoms that define our democracy.

Rock on.

Paul Hackett


Drew Dallons said...

I think it's disgusting the way Reid and Schumer basically forced him to give up the race to Brown. It really makes me rethink my support of the DNC. To make matters worse, I was over at Kos this morning and he actually supports the DNC's actions.

Maybe it's time to go back to checking (I) on my voter registration card.

Unknown said...

As far as I'm concerned with the way they are doing this there is no reason to even hold primaries anymore. If we aren't going to have a choice then why bother. Maybe Sherrod would have beat him, but maybe not. All we do know is that the party decided we didn't deserve the chance to decide for ourselves by doing this kind of crap.

Reading this made it worse for me:

"This is an extremely disappointing decision that I feel has been forced on me," said Hackett, whose announcement comes two days before the state’s filing deadline for candidates. He said he was outraged to learn that party leaders were calling his donors and asking them to stop giving and said he would not enter the 2 nd District congressional race.

Scott G said...

Can you convince him to run as an Independent? He has sworn to defend and protect the country and our biggest threat is not from terrorists, but from politicians who put electoral success above all.

Unknown said...

I think he's done me4, and I can't say I blame him for being soured on the whole process. Schumer was one of the ones who encouraged him to run then is one of the ones who started telling those donating him to stop helping him.

I seriously doubt he'll ever bother with politics again. Alot of people became independents today. I'd say I did too, but I already was one.


Scott G said...

I have been an Independent since my first election when I voted for Perot. I am a liberal and usually support the Dems as the lesser of 2 evils, but now I just want the party to turn to dust and blow away like their intellect and compassion have.

Unknown said...

I'm trying not to over-react too emotionally which is hard since Paul Hackett is responsible for alot of what I've done these past few months as far as being more active and learning more on a local level.

I just listened to part of a taped interview that the Editor of Oh 2 did this morning and it's obvious while Paul Hackett is disappointed and pissed at some of those who "helped" him decide to pull out of the race, he's still promoting the idea of getting more Dems into office.

Scott G said...

I have never been a big fan of the Dems and have supported too many people I didn't like because I didn't see any other better choices. This is not the reason I won't support Democrats, it is just what made me remember why the party is full of losers and hacks.