While it was pretty much expected people were going to place some attention on Dick Cheney's hunting incident, as well as some jokes about it, from the above linked Washingont Post article:
"Bush-Quail '06," cracked Democratic strategist Jenny Backus.
"The CIA assured Cheney that Harry Whittington was actually a pheasant," added Democratic speechwriter Jeff Nussbaum.
"The worst part is, he was aiming at the special prosecutor," contributed John Kerry spokesman David Wade.
On "The Daily Show" last night, Jon Stewart, speaking as a "concerned parent," urged viewers never to let their children go on hunting trips with the vice president. "I can't emphasize this enough," Stewart said. "I don't care what kind of lucrative contracts they're trying to land, or energy regulation they're trying to get lifted. . . . He'll shoot them in the face."
Likewise, David Letterman's Top 10 list was devoted to "Dick Cheney's excuses," which included that he "thought the guy was trying to go gay cowboy on me."
CNN has some additional late night comedy jokes.
It's expected that those in the business of comedy are going to do...comedy. But those who are in the news business?
McClellan began his midday news conference with a few words about how strong the U.S. economy is. Then he took questions, none of which was about the economy. The majority of the 41-minute briefing was given over to Cheney's hunting accident.
Let's see, economy....Cheney shooting.....economy....Cheney shooting...Oh Hell, who cares about the economy!
Right at this moment the top Technorati Search terms are "Cheney" then "Dick Cheney". As usual this has become a left versus right moment. As an example we have what some on the left are saying:
...and it is a genuinely disturbing thing to think that the vice president of the United States actually shot somebody last weekend, even for fans of his.
And on the right what some are focusing on:
Washington Post reporter Dana Milbank appeared for an interview wearing a bright-orange hunter's vest and hat.
Now here I have to stop for a second because personally? After seeing this picture? How anyone could ever take Dana Milbank serious about anything would be a wonder. I'm sorry Dana, I realize you were trying to score some humor points but Wow...
Yet this is supposedly upsetting some on the right, and of course on the left, this is shooting incident is disturbing to them.
We have people still homeless from the Hurricanes, we have goverment cutting entitlement programs, we have a war in Iraq, we have unrest in the middle east, violence in Hati, K Street questions, etc., etc., etc., so enjoy your "peppering" but can we get back to real issues soon?
Thank you thank you thank you for that visual of Milbank. Man, I needed that laugh, Lisa.
You are most welcome, had I bothered to check my email before I got started on this? I doubt I would have written it, thankfully it was after I was done that I got the bad news.
Then we would have both missed out on a much needed laugh.
Homelessness and poverty are downers though. If you talk about that stuff people start thinking that maybe they should do something or get their representatives to actually do something about big issues and no good can come of that. We have people who need tax breaks to buy a private jet. I shed a tear everytime I think of Bill Gates not getting a break when he buys a billion dollar plane.
And they say that bloggers shouldn't be taken seriously.
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