Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I miss my laptop

Hopefully it will be repaired soon, while I love my sony tower and use that the majority of the time, days like today when I was at Cricket West waiting for Sherrod Brown's arrival I could have done some blogging before or even during. Note taking would have been so much easier since I almost type faster than I write though I do still remember and use shorthand as needed. (Yes my father was right about how secretarial training would always come in handy.)

What happened to the poor laptop? Some "mysterious" force broke the screen. It appears it was a foot but of course denial reigned. I thought it was a lost cause but then I found a replacement screen for a pretty good price and managed to find someone who would actually install it.

Happy wireless days will be here again...someday...



Mark said...

I'm experiencing laptop envy!

Unknown said...

lol - Stephanie right now it's nothing to envy. It's still useable but you have to hook a monitor up to it so it's pretty "unportable". Unless of course a person carried this big huge monitor around.....hehe


historymike said...

Ouch - hope you get it back soon, Lisa.

My laptop is like an extension of me - on those occasions when I am without it, I go through withdrawal.

Unknown said...

Thankfully I do most of my stuff on my tower, which is nicer than the laptop was as far as hardrive or speed. But there are times when a laptop comes in handy.