Friday, February 24, 2006

The house of plauge

There are lots of really interesting stories out there I should be working on right now, the Port Saga and what should be the real concern, the South Dakota abortion situation, and some local issues as well.

However...Aubrey has strep. Which means she is home from school and every time I think I have just a few moments to put some links/thoughts together I get interrupted just as a great creative brainstorm has hit me.

"MOMMMMMM, can I have a popsicle"...Okay

"MOMMMM, I need more tissues"....Okay

"MOOMMMMMMM come get the dog!"...Okay (if she would quit playing with the puppy the puppy wouldn't keep coming back to play)

"MOM! My throat hurts worse!"...Okay (maybe if you'd quit calling for me every three seconds?)

So, please pretend I wrote some very heavy duty insightful posts on these topics.



historymike said...

I have a house full of sickies, too. We may personally drive up the stock price of the makers of Kleenex today.

Unknown said...

I'm sorry to hear your household has it too, I remember the days when all five of mine would be sick. Those days I do not miss.


KraZyKaT said...

I was going to visit my Brother and SIS-in_law last night. I was told to STAY HOME. Apparently some virus has broken loose and rampaged through their house like wildfires on the dry Texas tundra. Infecting both kids and parents alike.

So I did as I was told and stayed home, watched Sasha fall down 2x and figured she must be inflicted with Mr. virus too.

Oh well...I needed to update my Blog anyhow.

Hope everyone feels better at your homes real soon Lisa and Mike. I miss your comentaries. I guess there is an advantage to living single.

Cyberseaer said...

I'll pretend that you wrote the most in depth groundbreaking blog of all time, if you pretend that I wrote the most awesome reply of all time.

Hope Aubrey feels better. I'm almost ok. I should be 100% by tomorrow. My self prophecy did happen, just to let you know as I keep the rest of the world in the dark.

Unknown said...

C, you have a deal.


Damn that was the most profound comment I have ever read in my lifetime....

Mark said...

I feel your pain, Lisa. That's been the last two weeks for me. I finally succumbed, really succumbed, two (three?) days ago. The real kicker? While I was sick nobody thought to call for more oil and we ran out last night. No heat. It also required a repairman to get everything running again, because oil sludge clogged the filter past usability. It was two pm today before we had heat again.

I would NOT make a very good pioneer!

Unknown said...

OMG...Okay...Stephanie, I know do not feel so badly about the way things have been here the past few days, that had to have been really bad with as cold as it is.

Valbee said...

EEK! I'm so sorry, Lisa. We're pretty much over everything right now, but still have residual coughing spells now and then.

I hope Aubrey improves soon and that you don't end up with it (or any of the other viruses lurking about).

I was debating blogging about the South Dakota abortion situation myself, but I'm thinking you're probably a lot more up on it than I am. Anything I'd write would be merely gut reaction. *sigh* And I'm not sure I want to get into it... I've actually stopped visiting Toledo Talk since my last post on the emergency contraception thread. Maybe it's best I not say anything at all...

Anyway... don't get sick! :)

Scott G said...

I just imagined that you wrote about how we would avoid war with China after I invade Saudi Arabia.

Unknown said...

I just imagined I could focus enough to be serious to respond.

I think the lack of sleep is making me silly..okay..sillier than normal.


Unknown said...

Thanks Val...I am repeating the mantra...I will not get sick...I will not get sick...STREP get thee away from me!


Mark said...

I wasn't trying to top you, Lisa. It's just good to be back on-line. Though, now my husband's getting it and the baby isn't quite over it as per last night. We'll see...

I'm thinking profound thoughts for you, though.

Unknown said...

Stephanie, I know you weren't trying, but? You made me realize things were not that bad here.


Mark said...

Oh, great! Now my life this the one people say "At least we're not THAT bad!" about. Geesh! *melodramatic sigh*

Hey, at least I have heat to lose, that's the way I think about it. Okay, that's NOT the way I was thinking about it when I stayed up late making sure we all had clean blankets, but I think I should get a C for at least thinking of it after-the-fact.

Unknown said...

Or, you could spin it so that you were willing to throw yourself on the pire of sacrifice so that I felt better.

Yes, it could have been worse, I do that all the time. You could have not been able to pay the guy to come fix it, you could have not had heat because you couldn't afford to pay the bill. It has gotten to the point when Miguel starts worrying he's even saying "Okay, it could have been worse" before I get a chance to.


Unknown said...

NOOOOOO not a Hamster!


Scott G said...

Don't wory about solving my ponderance. I have figured out how to invade Saudi Arabia and keep China from getting involved. I won't go into it now, but I will say it involves the movie Office Space, a hamster, and some duct tape

Unknown said...

lmao - now see what you did? It looks like I psychically predicted the Hamster...


Mark said...

I knew it! I knew you were psychic! That whole Yahoo stock thing was on purpose! I'm gonna tell your kids!