Tuesday, January 24, 2006

The Alito Vote...

No big surprise given the current political climate - all of the Republicans in the Judiciary Committee have voted yes, not all of the Democrats have voted yet but those that have? Voted no.

I'd like to hear one name stated of the dozens and dozens that Leahy states could have been nominated by the President that would have gotten a unanimous vote of support from Congress.

Just one...


Anonymous said...

That's like asking a Washington Lib about his/her ideas for moving this country forward without saying "the GOP is doing it wrong".

They just cant do it.

Scott G said...

I think I would have been unanimous. I am crazy enough for both sides to like me. Plus, I don't have all that legal experience or decisions I have been a part of to hold me back

Unknown said...

I've asked that question so many times when its come up, yet so far no one has offered a name that both sides would vote for. It's the "oh there could have been another candidate, we can't name one but there has to be". It definitely was not Harriet Meirs...

me4, that would have been an entertaining confirmation process.


Unknown said...

The Democratic Senators are also demonstrating that they can't follow a simple request, Specter asked them to keep their comments to close to five minutes because they would still have a chance to speak on the floor. Yet it seems like Feinstein has been going on forever and ever, saying nothing new, she's said all of this before and I'm sure she'll say the same thing tomorrow. What's ironic is all of them admit Alito has the creditentials. She's basing this just on abortion, she just admitted that.

Unknown said...

QUICK! Grab those hamsters! The hulk is here and he's not known for being careful where he puts his feet!


historymike said...

This is such a snoozer. Just confirm him already, as there is no legitimate reason to deny this appointment.

If the Dems want to get more favorable justices, they had better figure out how to win a presidential election.

Unknown said...

There could be some interesting moments on the Senate Floor, though I predict more of the same. Ben Nelson of NE supposedly has announced he's going to support Alito, if that happens at least one Democrat will vote for confirmation.

I thought Graham's "we'll clean your clock" statement was rather amusing. And the lack of intelligence factor of the CSPAN callers has been once again amazing on both sides of this issue. One woman called in and ended up in tears because of how "mean" the Democrats had been to Alito. Talk about a Wow moment...

Scott G said...

I think they should have nominated Bill Clinton. With the way Hillary is playing all sides, Bill would hav just done whatever was most popular

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

This intermediate step was (suprise!) settled along party lines.

How typically political...

But then, whay do you expect from professional politicians, a.k.a. Partisan Hacks :-(

Anonymous said...

This was not at all surprising...

The tell-tale thing is there are more Republicans than Democrats. My question is more...Why do the Dem "political hacks" even bother?

Frank said...

The President has the ability to nominate who he wants, so we get Roberts and Alito. No matter how badly they turn out (assuming they turn out badly) the Republic will survive.

I understand Democrats playing to their base, but the republicans got the votes. Dems may as well vote "no" and get on with it. Time will tell how this appointment will impact the Nation.