Wednesday, December 14, 2005

What kind of trouble am I up to?

No, I am in no danger of losing the title Bob Frantz gave me of "Toledo's most prolific Blogger".....I'm still doing some research on the Ohio Election Reform Bill status/situation as well as some other awsome new adventures (vote for Ellen)...

I'm going to participate in my first conference call with Suzi Hackett today which I'm really looking forward too.

Suzi Hackett is the wife of the future Senator of Ohio, Paul Hackett. I'll of course fill you in on the details of the call and what Suzi's thoughts are later today.

I've also been invited to participate in a conference call concerning the nomination of Samuel Alito later this afternoon.



T. F. Stern said...

The Ohio Election Reform Bill has one section that was added on without much fan fare. It calls for Republicans to vote on Tuesday to avoid conflicts at the polls; all others vote the following day.

Unknown said...

Wow...that explains why I haven't gotten my updated version of the bill yet.


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...